Treachery is Everywhere! Like a camelion it just hides in the culture it resides in.
2019 to 2022 was a rough season. After a season of grief, readjustments and a determination to once again begin again. The healing that took place by the end of 2022 in my homeland down south with it’s very high humidity and some long awaited self care. It wasn’t without it’s trials as some bedeviled man stalked my friend and I to a restaurant and he was party to a plan to kill me by poison. As I began to almost go into convulsions at the table, he turned almost full 40* to the right in his chair hunched down to observe my symptoms with a evil grin on his face (I had overheard him talking with the guy sitting with him about medical staff things) I sensed a level of evil in this white collar professional I hadn’t been around in all my years of deliverance ministry. His satanic attack did not prosper! HalleluYAH! Then another harrassment of a young gun driving a yellow camero or charger (I can’t tell the difference) with black strips down the hood and a young gal with short black hair stalked me around the home and town I grew up in down south. Funny that I see the same guy and gal in the same car here in this prairie town upon my return 😎 (some people are not as stealth and covert as they think) I labeled them as professional thieves and funeral chasers.
Upon our arrival to the western prairie in 2020, a mid-century modern building caught my eye and it was for sale. I had no way of obtaining it then. The end of 2022 after returning from down south; I saw that the building was up for sale again. After prayer and council I decided to purchase it. I had dreamed of having my own shop of some kind since my mid 30’s and now was my chance in 2022 to do it. I had my own ideas as to what I wanted to do. Formal gowns, Skin care, Bridal Services, Gifts, Home Decor, Dry Salt Therapy & Massage Therapy. Many ideas based on my own prior work experiences, businesses, & the benefits I had gotten from some holistic care.
My first products purchased for The Salt for resale was a line of products because of its 99% fresh pure ingredients and it’s animal rescue philanthropy. My own art prints and greeting cards that were already produced and preparing gift packages incorporating both. After a few attempts to find an aesthetician and even contacting a local college cosmetic school for leads for a new upstart aesthetician with no one taking the generous opportunity I offered them in the first year of preparing to open the business. This is ditto for trying to find a massage therapist as well.
Upon my arrival to the prairie area here in 2020; I started creating products from my digital, painted and photo art prior years, like T shirts, greeting cards of different themes. Those were tampered with and some covertly stolen within a few weeks of having them printed. I also know who was involved in that but do not have solid proof to prosecute. I had affiliation with another local biz where I bought the commercial building; and the owner had also allowed me to display my art products at her business in 2020/2021 for exchange of my time to cover her business from 10am to 12:30/1:00pm since she would be there until 9pm to serve her wonderful entrees of Italian and French plus more cuisine. Such a lovely place to dine and visit. During that time I began to observe the actions of some locals over a few months and then now a couple of years time. Very horrible and petty things that did not go unnoticed by me but much more, it did not go unnoticed by the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He will requite it His Way; believe me. I have served Him for years and have seen how He will vindicate eventually. He knows how to sift it all out regardless of who all was and is involved. The wheels of justice grind slowly but they grind to a fine powder. You may think you have accomplished to get your way but… Yeshua’s day of reckoning is at hand.
During these kinds of harrassments and spiritual battles it can get noisy and messy and even the righteous can make mistakes and Yeshua will bring the correction in those things to His Own Children but scripture is clear that He is the one that judges those in the “world”. He will have compassion and long suffer with those of the world that do wrong to Yeshua’s true children but eventually He may strike you dead for your continuum to harass those of us that are Truly His. Also, never underestimate the treacherous camillian that may be sitting next to you in a church pew either!
When I started The Salt I was determined to prefer my sister in Christ that had a business in the same local; so as to not have the same type of products for sale. My main focus was to be geared toward wellness as I was also starting to learn more about better holistic wellness for my self. There is normal business competition and then there is business teachery by some that are cutthroats. I had a limo biz in the past and believe me I have seen the kind such as this.
After my mother passed away Spring of 2022 and I had finished up most of that business and was headed back west. I wasn’t quite ready for the covert blessing slaughtering harrassment that awaited me upon my return. Returning to an area that offered no sympathy that I had just lost my mother and a band of supposed community minded thieves with members I hadn’t even perceived would be waiting with bated breath to harass, manipulate, steal, and destroy; by early spring of 2023 the satanic harrassment began and upon returning back again after my daughter’s wedding down South early Spring 2023; ill-reputes had tampered with the digital lock on my commercial building and their evil agendas didn’t stop. What do you expect from an area so close to the pony express. Some history never changes and the prairie is a beauty of nature all it’s own but just as there were surely thieves and bandits always hanging around the pony express their inclinations still manifest in the area still today though it’s a new century it is still subject to the same wickedness in the ground and air of the history in it’s pioneers & pioneering stages that the wind hasn’t blown away yet.
All of the harrassments, circumventing, thieveries, supplanting etc has also been used as a sort of directive to allow me to reassess the core value and way that I have chosen.
Wellness spirit, soul and body is the directive. Products may come and go as I thoroughly check the spiritual roots & foundations of said products to purge and shift it all to align with the Creator’s true scriptural instructions regarding true community, true scriptural business practices, true wellness practices & His true scriptural timelines. Yes it does go against the worlds Babylonian system but so be it!