But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”
Romans 9:20 ESV
The "predestination" discussed in the previous chapter is not about determining who is and isn't saved, but what God does with those who have faith in him. He predestines them to become the image of his Son. He does the same with those who are determined to reject him, as in Pharaoh and the reprobates described in Romans 1:24. God didn’t give them over to the lusts of their hearts simply because that suited his plan, but because they willingly exchanged the glory of God for an image of corruptible man.
God makes the righteous more righteous through the operation of his Spirit and Law. He makes the wicked more wicked through the operation of his judgment and his Law.
Henk Wouters
let's get the scary part over with. yup! we're all predestined, with absolutely no ability to influence it in any way, to end up as an honorable vessel, or on the dungheap, shattered to bits.
if God decides to use us like pharoah, like judas, or a plethora of other examples, we have no say in the matter.
now that is from the perspective of God. He knows it all already, and what the end result is going (from our perspective) to be. He made us.
let's get to the encouraging part. from our perspective.
the very fact that you are busy with God means He called you (out of egypt, there you go, you're not like pharoah).
and you may seem to be destined for doom, so was israel, but redemption could come, because here you have influence.
don't look at the vessels already and irrevocably destined for the dungheap, look at the children, the israelites.
He wants to be merciful, He's gently guiding us all the time. growing us.
yes, some of us are going to not respond well, and are going to suffer the consequences, but this is what perseverence is about, it's what He's looking for. do you really want it?
if i may say so, success is not the measure, for only one succeeded, desire is the measure. He made the vessel that you are to have that desire too....your choice.
like jay said, have faith.
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