Saying rock and roll was the devil's music was big when I was a kid, and it seems to be creeping back around. I don't understand how you can single out any one type of artist expression, especially with instruments, and say "that's the devil". In researching this subject to see if I might have been wrong, the articles I found supporting "rock = devil" all gave anecdotal evidence for their reasoning. Then turned around and used that to say this violates such and such Scripture.

This "evidence" usually was with something someone listening to the music said they did because of the music, or what some of the artists have said about themselves. The former statement is one of "the exception doesn't make the rule". Sure, there may have been people that did bad things and blame it on music. Logically, it makes sense that we have a few cases of blaming rock as around the time those claims were being made (as you don't hear of these instances anymore) rock was being demonized. So, of course, the person doesn't want to take responsibility for their actions and the current trending scapegoat is rock, so let's blame that.

The latter statement can be said of any genre of music. There are people that do bad things in country (which most "rock = devil" people listen to), contemporary, r&b, etc... This doesn't make the whole genre of music "the devil's music".

In 1 Chronicles 15:28, while the Israelites were carrying the ark of the covenant to the City of David, they made a loud noise (or loud music, depending on translation) with horns, trumpets, cymbals, harps and lyres. I would be willing to bet if someone today heard that, they would have equated it to rock, as rock is typically associated with being loud.

Psalms 95:1 - Come sing to YHWH, we shout to the rock of our salvation.

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The Straight + Narrow - That music is of the devil

The Straight + Narrow - That music is of the devil

That music is of the devil