Blessed are You Yahuah Adonai, for You come to us and abide with us always. Your Light scatters the darkness from before us and You invite us to let this shine through us and reveal You to the world. Yahuah Rohi, we ask Your blessing upon Your church throughout this world. We pray especially for areas where the faith in You have grown dim and vision has been lost. We pray for all who are struggling against dark and evil forces. We pray for all who seek to bring the light of our Moshiach to others. Yahuah Nissi, we ask that You strengthen all who are on their guard against evil and seek to bring peace and harmony to those in trouble. We pray for all who are suffering through oppression, war, violence and crime. We ask Your blessing upon all who are used as slaves, cheap labour, who are without homes and those who are hungry. Bless all who work tirelessly for their relief. Yahuah Shammah, make us alert to Your presence with us and in our homes. Bless and protect our loved ones, families and friends. Make us aware of the needs of our communities, where we can help and be of use. Let us not miss opportunities of showing Your love. Yahuah Shalom, bless and give peace to those whose lives are darkened by illness, injury or tragedy. We pray for all who feel afraid and those who regret work undone or doing what they should not have done. We pray for all who are terminally ill or on their death beds and those who can no longer look after themselves. Comfort and bless their loved ones. Yahuah Tsidkenou, we ask You to forgive us our sins, make us aware of that we do not realise is sin and help us to forgive others as You forgive us. Open our ears this night and give us our souls bread. Touch our tongues that we may speak Your Word and not what people want to hear. Open our lips that we may forever and ever praise and worship You with Your angels and elders. May Your light shine throughout this world tonight. We pray this in the name of our Redeemer Yeshua Moshiach, amein.