Blessed are You Father Yahuah, Who sent Your Son Yeshua to be our Saviour. In Your love You have opened for us the way to eternal life and rescued us from perishing. Blessed are You our Father and our King. Come then Adonai, refresh and renew Your Church which without You is dull and dry. Come fill Your Church, which without You is dead. Fill it with Your life-giving presence and give it the power to proclaim the resurrection to eternal life. Lord, renew our faith in You. Give to Your Church a new sense of mission and outreach. Bless all preachers, ministers, missionaries and disciples of Your Word. Come Adonai, be known in all who share in Your saving purpose. Guide and bless all rescue workers. We pray for all doctors, nurses, ambulance personnel and paramedics. We pray for all fire services, staff of rescue boats, life savers and all who risk their lives in the care and service of others. We pray for all people who are carers. Come Adonai, let Your presence also be known in our homes and in our lives. Bless us in all our relationships and dealings with others and let Your light shine through us on all who we are in contact with on a daily basis. Come Adonai, with Your Light and love to lives that are struggling with poverty and debt, with bad housing and broken down communities. Come Adonai, to all whose hope is gone, the lost, the despairing and the deeply depressed. We pray for those who are over-worked, the world-weary, the exhausted and the worn-out. We ask Your blessing upon those who feel wrung out and dry, all who feel numb and those who senses are deadened. We pray for all suffering from deep stress or trauma and their loved-ones caring for them. We pray for those struggling in disaster areas and for their loved ones departed. We thank You for the hope of eternal life; may we all come to know the joys of Your Kingdom and the fullness of eternal life. Father, we ask that You accept this prayer for the sake of Your Son and our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, amein.