Wonder why Humic and Fulvic Minerals are so important and why I promote the use? Aside from the great testimonials I received weekly -- it is important for us in this day we are living in a constant battle against toxins being thrown at us in every way imagineable.
The CellCore products I use with our detox clients do contain fulvic/humic minerals -- but many won't do the detox programs or use to bind pathogens to REBUILD their health. BUT MANY WILL USED THE BLACK OXYGEN ORGANICS FULVIC MINERALS which Dr. Monzo tested and it tested 2x higher than others on the market.
Contact me if you want to purchase. MEANWHILE READ the research.

Spike-Proteins-Fulvic-Humic-Acid.docx - Microsoft Word Online

Spike-Proteins-Fulvic-Humic-Acid.docx - Microsoft Word Online