WHAT IS A WOMAN Spiritually?
Is it the same as in the WORLD?
WHY are they fighting to change these words, Woman and Man?
Genesis 2: 23
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.
That was a NAME given to the woman before she ate of the Tree of Good and Evil. In that action, the Woman lost her title.
The SERPENT addressed her with her TITLE. WOMAN
And the serpent said unto the WOMAN, Ye shall not surely die:
NOW, remember the wedding that his mother and Jesus went to at Cana?
Jesus saith unto her, WOMAN, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
NOTE: Jesus The Messiah did NOT say, Mother but Jesus used her title of a woman before she sinned. Speaking to her as the Messiah, not just her son!
Today Satan wants to take away the DNA of the Spiritual person by taking away WOMAN and MAN's titles of POWER over Devil just being an angel and Satan is and not equal to the LORD's creation. . .Men are made in the image of GOD and not Satan and women are made from Adam which makes those who don't want GOD VERY upset.
Let's us make man in OUR image. Because THE LORD is invisible and HE is also seen. Just like we are an inner person and also a person that is the one people see. Man and a Woman. The LORD Jesus The Messiah, The Holy Spirit, and HIS Heavenly Father. This goes into why Jewish people have two names. That is for another day. Just a thought. Extra thought in the comments below.
