Vaccinated/unvaccinated MASK and SHUT DOWN AGAIN? WHY?
Medical ID or the first step to total control: WHY would we do this?
The Modern Gulags.
They are getting people to HATE and FEAR the unvaccinated. To the point of even saying that because of THEM you that have gotten vaccinated have to wear masks and shut down again. Because we don't know who they ARE? So that if you have one armband for being vaccinated or a seed put under the skin that gives your medical information that you are vaccinated it is the start to the MODERN gulag. I am NOT vaccinated because I found out they use absorbed baby stem cells. I won't live from the murder of another. I am a sheep ?that has the LORD as my shepherd and I won't make the government my god. We MUST pray that these schemes are done to control us again using China-19 as the gateway door. Think if they get a passport for buying and selling, just think what they can put on a seed that goes under your hand for putting in a scanner or your forehead for easier face to face when you are on the computer? Just a thought.
