Blessed are You Adonai our Eloheinu, for You have called us to be Your people to represent You and to show Your love. By the power of Ruach HaKodesh, enable us to live and work to Your praise and glory. We give thanks for all who have gone out in mission and proclaimed the Good News in word and deed. We pray especially for those who give us our gospel, counselling and guidance in Your Word on a daily basis. We ask Your blessing on all who witness to You by their lifestyle and example. We pray for all in hostile environments, those who suffer from war and oppression and those who seek to bring peace and healing to the divisions of our world. We pray for those who strive to bring freedom and justice to nations and individuals but Father, we ask that nobody will force democracy at gunpoint but rather through Your grace, peace, wisdom, knowledge and love. We pray for those in the United Nations and Amnesty International that started military actions against nations yesterday. May Your wisdom give them insight to seek other means of peace rather than seeking it through war. Father, we thank You for our homes and ask Your blessing upon our families, friends and our loved ones. We pray for those who suffer from rejection or violence in their homes. We pray that You will intervene and send Your angels for Your children called by Your Name, who lives in crime areas, who suffer unfairness and who needs comfort. We pray for those taken into care, old age homes, orphanages, the homeless and those who are hungry living in streets and out of bins. We give thanks for Your healing love and ask Your blessing for all who are injured, who are sick and those who are on their death beds. We especially ask that You will comfort their families and give them peace. We ask Your forgiveness for our sins, how small or how big, it still stays sins and ask that You will cover us with the Blood of Yeshua and we also give thanks that through Moshiach, the way to the fullness of Your Kingdom is open to us. Create in us clean hearts and righteous spirits and make our hearts the footstool for Your feet. We ask and pray this in the Mighty Name of Yeshua Moshiach, amein.