Please Mishpacha help my son...his wife is leaving him for another man and moving to Missouri and leaving him with all 5 kids. He is devastated and needs help. He is a believer but not Torah observant. He is desperate...he has to work and is working on child care services but so far nothing has come through. Please if you feel led by YAH to help him, please click on his GoFund Me page and donate. We live in California and he lives in Ohio. We can only help so much...this is one way we can show him how we in the Torah movement can come together and help someone in need. If you watched the Movie, "THE WAY: A DOCUMENTARY", I'm in that movie. I spoke about my husband not following Torah with me...since then, my husband is now walking Torah and I believe it was because of the movie, and the Mishpacha like yourself that prayed for me and him...praise YAH!!! Now we need your help to help my son. He will have a long hard road ahead of him, raising 5 kids by himself. Thank you so much for your time, prayers and donations. Every little bit will help....??