The marching orders of the world have us in lock step with those we aren't to be walking with.
Can two walk together unless agreed?
Don't we know who we are?
John the Baptist, came preaching in the wilderness. Why?
Could it be that His message wasn't popular? possibly offensive too?
Did he speak nicely, words that coddled the masses?


His message was "Repent".

He was sent to make straight a highway for our God.
The return of the Son, is near, and once again the Father is calling His followers to make straight the crooked ways, to exalt the valleys and smooth the rough places.

The Crooked have made The Way crooked again.
Don't you see it?
Don't you hear it?

Truly, maybe we already know that the enemy has made us "Enablers of Society" instead of "Decapitators of Idols".

The sword meant to cut and divide has become a serving spoon of dross --- shoveled in so politely that we no longer gag on it.

We are living a life we've made for ourselves -- instead of dying the death of self that brings the dead to life!
-- That life isn't easy, isn't comfortable and it sure doesn't make you likeable.

There is a reason Christ was hated.
Have we forgotten what He said... we would be hated for His sake...
Sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers....have you said anything lately that caused others to lash out and cast stones?

no...of course not.

We've become quite comfortable letting our life speak for it selves.
Sorry, it wasn't Christ's clean living that caused people to repent.

It was what He SAID and He said it with Authority.
Authority He willingly gives to those who'll die for those words.

So speak.
Speak loudly and don't give a second thought to Self.
Forget your Self.

For Self-preservation is the poison that kills a fearless life.

"He (King Josiah) removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan. He trusted in YHWH, the God of Israel; so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor among those who were before him." ~2 Kings 18:4,5
