Blessed are You Yahuah Eloheinu for You have called us to share in the blessedness of Your saints. Grant that in the darkness that is around us, we may be guided by their example and so serve You in love and peace. Yahuah Shammah, we pray for All who have witnessed to Your love and mercy. We ask Your blessing upon all who seek to bring reconciliation and forgiveness to peoples and communities. We pray for all who are involved in pastoral work and ministry of healing. Yahuah Shalom, we pray for all who have witness to Your peace. We ask Your blessing upon all the peacekeeping forces and peace keepers. We pray for all who are not at peace with themselves or with the world around them and all who suffer through war, violence and crime. Yahuah Rohi, we pray for all who have set us an example by their grace and goodness. We ask Your blessing upon our homes, friends and families. We ask Your comfort upon all who are suffering from broken relationships and all who feel lonely. Yahuah Rophe, we pray for all who suffer persecution for their faith in You. We ask You to bless those who strive against injustice and evil. We pray for all who suffer from tyranny or oppression. We ask Your comfort on all who are ill, on their death bed, injured, victims of violence or with a disability. Yahuah Tsidkenou, forgive us our sins and help us to forgive those who sin against us. Be our pillar of fire during this night that no evil can come to us and let us rest in Your peace. We pray this in the Name of Your Son Yeshua Moshiach, amein.