I can't post pictures. Says I need to upgrade. But I am a homeschooling mama of 3. 15 (16 in october) boy. And a 9 and 6 year old girls. My girls are homeschooled. I debated since my 9 year old was in kindergarten whether I should homeschool or not. Then the pandemic happened and with her being high risk, and also some other things going on at the school I didn't agree with. I decided now is the time.
I'm new to being a Torah keeper and know the truth. I still have a ton to learn and it'll be a transition for my family. Esp since my son is still on the fence of his faith and has a ton of outside influence. Including going to his father's house. Who is a believer, but not a Torah keeper I suppose you could say. But I'm hoping through my influence and prayer his heart will be opened. ❤❤❤