What path will you walk today? Will you walk on the path that pleases man, that is entrenched in the things of this world? Are appearances more important to you than HIS Thoughts about your eternal soul? What is it that's stopping you from walking in obedience to HIS Instructions?

It's not enough to just Love Yahweh/GOD, to be Grateful for the Sacrifice of HIS Son, Yeshua/JESUS our Messiah that covers our sins. Love is an action word so your feelings of Love just aren't enough. You have to "do". The Scriptures tell us that "Faith without works is dead" and that's what your Love for HIM is if your actions don't reflect that Love.

I think, from my own experience, that fear is the main thing that gives people pause about rejecting man's ways and walking in HIS. When one is raised on traditions that go back for generations and they're taught things by their parents and their preachers that they believe to be what's in HIS Word and that's all they've ever known, it can be difficult, and scary even, to completely reject those things and see what's actually been before them their entire lives – HIS Truth. I mean...what will my family think? What will the neighbors say? We put too much store in man and not enough in HIM. We fail to realize that the only One who matters is Yahweh/GOD. HIS thoughts of our choices need to be what matters most – not man's.

Man cannot save us. Man cannot wash away our sins. Man cannot give eternal life. We are but dust – here one minute and gone the next. Abba is forever and HE never changes.

Choose Yahweh/GOD...This world is not our home – we're just passing through...Choose to walk as Yeshua/JESUS Walked...Walk as Abba instructed us in HIS Word. It's all right there at our fingertips. Open up the Book and see for yourself. It's time to Walk in HIS Truth...before you no longer have a choice.

What path will you walk today? The choice is yours...

"Make every effort to present yourself before GOD as tried and true, as an unashamed worker cutting a straight path with the Word of Truth." ~ Timotiyos Bet [2 Timothy] 2:15

