Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, for You have called us into life and to love You. You have called us to proclaim Your love and power in all the world. Adonai, send us out in the power of Ruach HaKodesh, that we may tell of You and Your abiding presence. Blessed are You Abba for You are Holy. Adonai, we ask Your blessing upon TTN, that we may show signs of being One in You, holy and dedicated to being Torah Keepers as we reach out to all peoples. Bless all who preach and all who are in this ministry. We pray for care workers, volunteers, relief workers, emergency staff and all who work with the distress and sorrow of people. We pray for all who are called to govern and all who influence the mind of others. We pray for leaders of industries and great multi-national companies and for all they work with. Adonai help us to show our care for Your creation and our respect for the individual in all that we do. We pray for those who lives are blighted by the greed or insensitivity of others. We give thanks because You show us Your love through those who love us. We ask Your blessing upon our homes and our loved ones. We pray for homes where there is stress and distress. We pray for all who are finding it difficult to cope and all those who are deeply in debt and we pray for those who help those in need. We give thanks for all in the healing industry. We ask Your blessing on doctors, nurses, ambulance staff and paramedics. We ask Your blessing upon all who are sick, all who are disabled and all who are on their deathbeds tonight. We pray for our neighbours and our neighbourhood. We rejoice in the fellowship of all Your children, in all who have heard Your call, done Your will and keep Your Torah. We ask Your blessing and protection during this night upon all our loved ones, families and friends. May we all share in the joy of Your love and Your Kingdom. We pray this in the Name of our Saviour and Adonai, Yeshua Moshiach, amein