First: because the drugs being pushed as ‘covid vaccines’ are not vaccines.
Vaccines are constructed and work by a specific mechanism; these drugs are not and do not.
They’ve been touted and labeled as ‘vaccines’ in order to create a false perception among the populace.
In America the reasoning is deeper and more cynical.
In America there is an organization called VAERS, established by Congress in conjunction with other Fed agencies as well as Pharma to add a layer of insulation between the general public (consumers) and the industry, bureaucrats and legislators who manufacture and push vaccines but wish to remain held harmless from liability.
The VAERS Court is that vehicle. All vaccine related injuries and adverse events are immediately immunized from the normal civil and criminal liability procedures and funneled, without exception, into VAERS.
VAERS is beyond the knowledge of most of the public, thus information about said adversities is ‘reported’ but is done so in an effective echo chambers.
Minimal public dissemination.
VAERS adjudicates these cases and at times awards are made but the Companies and Bureaucrats are immune from liability.
CDC push the term ‘vaccine’ because our myopic public thinks this means ‘elimination’, ‘eradication’ and other such buzz words that makes everybody less afraid.
The not-vax campaign is a fear campaign; dial it up, dial it down as needed to achieve the desired and presently achievable goal of controlling the masses.
Something going on that you don’t like; like riots on the streets of Hong Kong calling for freedom. Release the ‘virus’ (the threat of the virus) and lock people down ‘for the safety of the world’.
This is what we’ve been living.
Ignore the fact that true data reveals the shots are killing more than the [highly dubious] Covid Virus.
When the science gives undesirable results, deflect and obfuscate and discredit the source.
When anyone questions tell them to ‘follow the science’, which means follow only what I say.
Your questions are good ones, with good answers.
But the answers are swamped under by fear and misinformation campaigns that literally run world wide.
Israel is a prime example.
Highly vaxed population and totally restricted yet death rates climb as the vax rate climbs and still they push for more vax; get a 3rd, now it’s get a 4th.
Other countries have replicated this result. Seychelles, Gibraltar, others; same result.
That’s science.
That’s ignored.
Other countries, like states in the US have lifted restrictions and slowed the vax push and adverse event numbers are dropping.
Truth of the matter is we don’t know what Covid is or how many it’s killed because the data steam to date is hopelessly corrupted with false information.
Questions are the heart of the matter.
But make no mistake, the general public are pawns in a battle between good and evil.
Satan is at work in our world and it’s all playing out according to prophecy.
There will be no ‘return to normal’. That’s merely a carrot being dangled to get us to follow.
Have a beautiful day?☕️?