Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, our Holy Triune Most High King. You are our Refuge and Strength, an ever-present Help in trouble. We put our trust in You and seek to do Your will, that Your Kingdom may come in us as it is in heaven. Father, help us to build our lives on a firm foundation; to put our faith in You and Your saving love. Strengthen the people called by Your Name when they are beset by the storms of this world that they may remain firm in their faith and obedient to You. We pray for all who are seekers, looking for meaning and purpose in their lives and in the world. We pray for all those who are persecuted for their faith. We ask Your blessing on all who teach and influence others, upon those who set standards and offer ways of living to our societies. We pray for those who are involved in our governments, in broadcasting and in the press. We pray tonight for all those, who is caught up in floods, tsunami’s, earth quakes, famine, war, uprisings and all who feel fragile and endangered. We pray for all the people who help others to rebuild their lives in disaster areas. We pray for Your blessing upon all those who have provided us with security and protection and we thank You for them. We ask Your blessing upon our homes, our loved ones, families and friends. We pray for our places where we work. We pray for all homeless and stateless people, those who are hungry and for all whose world is falling apart. We pray asking You to strengthen those who lost a loved one recently, who have lost their employment, who have their homes and vehicles repossessed. Be a Help for those injured in accidents, those who are sick and those who are close to death tonight. We ask Adonai, for Your protection tonight and that we may rest in Your peace. We love You with all our hearts, souls, minds, spirits and our existence and we ask that Your will be done in our lives. We pray and thank You in the mighty Name of Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, amein.