Please help us intercede with these requests in your prayer time:

Kindly pray for divine guidance and protection for my family members. The enemies evil designs be defeated. With prayer. --- John

My name is Fredrik. I live in Sweden. I have a prayer request. Pray for Nina's salvation. God has laid a burden on my heart to ask prayer for Nina. --- Fredrik
Please pray for my sons and my stepdaughter and her brother's salvation --- Joe

Please pray for our family, My husband is having a series of tests tomorrow Please pray for him. Pray for my son and his family and for our daughter and her family and for me. Thank you God bless --- Maria

I Am asking prayer For More Faith And Grace For Me And My 2 Daughters And 2 Grandchildren. Thanks And God Bless --- Jackie

Please pray for Jeremy recovering from covid and is in rehab. Running a fever and praying that his body be healed --- Gina

Please pray for strong believers to surround and share Yeshua with all 4 of my unsaved Jewish siblings. Thank you so much! --- Jonathan

Daughter had a kidney stone removed. Still has pain but is resting comfortably. Granddaughter is in high school and apparently she is having problems like depression so hopefully mom will find a therapist. hopefully it's just high school anxiety. She is also dyslexic. Please pray for her. Best friend is having problems with her liver. She has had chemo several times to get rid of the mass so hopefully this time it helped. Please pray for Iris. Also pray for Ken who has cancer. thank you for your prayers. --- Norma

prayer that my mom, dad, brother and grandparents are doing well; prayer that my health and Paul's health is restored and that we will live healthy and Happy lives together. Please keep everyone safe from covid and disasters. Please keep property and pets safe Amen --- Julie

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying. Knowing your intercession brings me much peace in stressful times please continue in your prayers for us and others knowing you make a difference --- Rina

I have moved to a different country and I ask that you please pray and stand in agreement for me to find good permanent employment l pray that the Lord will lead and guide me to the right job for my talents and skills this month. I also ask that you pray for my husband to find a new job too with better work conditions. In Yeshua' Name Amen --- Arlene

Please pray my husband’s attitude and how he talks to me unkind and rude tones. It makes me sad. God Bless --- Vanessa

I need healing from gastrointestinal, stomach virus problems, and pain in teeth problems. Thank you for agreeing in prayer with me. --- Mike

Please keep my husband and me in your prayers for protection of and hopefully restoration of our health. Please pray that the building we live in will become again a calm, peaceful, clean and safe place to live. I am thankful we have shelter. The problems in this building are making other sick as well and we truly need relief. Thank you very much for your prayers. God bless you --- Krista

May my and hubby health heal, grow, develop and become and feel comfortable in our bodies. May his speech fall well in. My we enjoy and well live our retirement close to God. May our reconciliation with daughter and sons. --- Suzy

Please pray for our marriages, husbands and wives. Give us character, everything we need and love. May we do Your will together and be the best of friends. Find our family future partners that love You Yahuah. May we be Yours. May we be pure hearted. Save us. Bless us all. Help us with our appearance, weight and all things. Happy. May we be awesome marriage counsellors and have the lives that glorify You. May we hear from You. May we make it up to You about everything. Minister to us about everything --- Simone

Please pray for my son and me. We both have diabetes and were really sick. Pray that are diabetes will stay under control with no complications. Thank you for praying on our behalf it is so deeply appreciated by both of us. --- Joyce

please pray for my family to put God first and to be happy. --- Michelle

Pray for the lifting of my severe depression --- Anne

I have been in the hospital for one and a half years now with a bad right hip. I have had 13 surgeries on it, it has been infected four times and I almost died I need the doctor that I will see next to be able to help me. Please pray for me and this to happen for me. --- David

Jesus thank you for caring about our family needs. I pray the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with God's love and peace. I pray for solution with my hearing aid situation. I pray for my son to find a job that allows him to use and improve his God given skills. Praise be to God. Amen! --- Jose

Please pray that God will restore everything that the enemy has stolen from me seven fold even up to their household in the name of Jesus amen. Thank you --- Gina

Please pray for healing from surgery - having issues and the pain and not knowing what is wrong is causing so much anxiety - I feel stuck in one place. I need to feel the closeness of My God. I need God's wonderful peace! --- Lauren

Emergency prayers needed for Scotty - His kidneys are shutting down he has diabetes too, pray for Sue - she has an operation coming up soon, please pray for Tony and Marlene they are sick, please pray for Chester and carina to have more strength to go, pray for me and my family for God's will to be done in every aspect of our lives --- Greg

Need Gods reassurance I’m His. --- Sandra

Please thank God for my many blessings. Pray God will heal and bless my son. Ask God to direct his caregivers and show them how to treat and heal him. Pray God will restore son's health and strength. In the name of Jesus. Thank You. --- Charlie

my daughter , is sick, please lift her up In hour prayers --- Alison

I asking for healing from breast cancer and also with my finances --- Pauline

Praying for a Miracle for our Son & Daughter-In-Law that their infertility struggles may soon be over and God will Bless them with a true Miracle, that being their ability to conceive, carry and deliver a healthy new born baby. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. --- Lynn