Let me be frank in this post.
Not everyone that says they are a believer/watchman/prophet have your best intentions in mind. Personally, I would say anyone claiming to be a prophet or posting videos of "prophetic visions" is someone to stay away from. All it takes is one wrong prophecy for them to be a false prophet, which the smart ones will bury so that if you never watched it, you won't know it was ever there.
As the examples in the comic, there have been several things in the past that have been called the Mark of the Beast. in the 1930s it was Social Security. The guidelines for issuing numbers even has measures to prevent 666 being at the first of a number because of this.
Move forward the 1960s and now Credit Cards are the Mark. A few years later UPC codes. Then RFID tags. Then the Euro... You get the picture. And there were many other things in between and still many things happening today that people are pointing and saying "THERE IT IS!". There are people out there trying to gain followers, gain money, gain whatever by through this fear-mongering. I said what I meant, it is fear-mongering. A lot of people are out there doing this, especially with social media like FB and YT giving everyone a platform to say what they want.
I would ask everyone. EVERYONE. To go and reread the childhood story of the boy who cried wolf. Or if reading isn't your thing, watch the movie Chicken Little. If you keep saying "This is the Mark", when the Mark does finally come out, no one is going to believe you. I would say that most of the world is already in the "not going to believe you" category no matter if you've never said "Here it is" because everyone else has been for the last several decades. All these people are doing is making all believers look foolish. They aren't being watchman. A watchman knows what is coming BEFORE they make their warning. They don't cry out for "maybes". If they did, everyone would stop listening to them.
Presentation is key. If you see something that seems off; ask about it. Ask someone who was in the field for work or hobby. Don't go from the start of "this is evil!" and start riling up the neighborhood.
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