Prayers to Pray for:

Lord, heal my daughter from Sensory Processing Disorder/ADHD/Anxiety/Depression. Give her YOUR mind/perfect mental health. Magnify your presence & voice so she knows YOU are with her. Remove all blindness/darkness and deliver/lift her into your light & love. --- Lisa

Please pray for my health --- Blanche

Pray for the restoration of my marriage --- Susie

Pray that my granddaughter feels strong, energetic and loves studying and attending school Let her be cured if her sneezes and feels physically strong Thank you Jesus --- Aliyah

Pray for my friend, a police officer, who thinks he needs to quit his job because his wife has received death threats and his children are being picked on at school because of his career choice. --- Anne

My son is having a Very Difficult Time with his job. Please pray for his peace of mind. Thanks! --- Jeremiah

My sister Patricia was struck by a car while standing outside her home. The driver was never caught; more importantly, she was left with a fractured femur and hip and a damaged kidney. Please pray for her. Amen --- Lulu

Prayer for healing of my lungs & to come out of hospital & to recover to go home. Thank you
God Bless you --- Miguel

Please pray for a Chinese journalist imprisoned for revealing the origin of covid-19. She's been on a hunger strike for months & is near death. Pray to this end & that she'll be saved if she's not. Also, pray for 17 missionaries in Haiti, being held for ransom. Thank you. --- Dale

Please pray that my car doesn’t get repossessed and my car payment is made. Please pray every one of my bills are met this month. Please pray for my kids. --- Erin

Pray for me to have a speedy recovery from cataract surgery. --- Connie

Dear Lord can you please show me your way… Please Lord show me what to do --- Kelly

Please praying for my shoulder to heal --- Judy

Please pray for my family to come together and bring them all to Jesus Christ and learn forgiveness amen --- Toni

Please continue to pray for my husband's health to continue to get better. He is in intensive care at the hospital. Thank you all for praying for him. --- Linda

Please pray for our daughter who is in the hospital for abdominal pain. She has been there since 12:30 GMT, and a doctor has yet to see her. So many sick people.. Please pray for all those in hospitals everywhere. --- Diane

I would like prayer for my schizophrenia to get better. --- Shane

Please Pray for My Nephew That He Can Get A Kidney transplant. My Sister, she Has all Kind Of Sickness All Over Her Body. Thank You. --- Bessie

For Rhonda, in hospital for Covid, she coded today… she needs complete and total healing, Lord! There are too many people who are watching her and praying for her to return to us. Please, Jesus, have mercy! --- Kath

Pray for me. I'm having to suffer because of my drunk drug addicted dad's mistakes. I can't take it the anger stress frustration. --- Mitch

Please Keep me In Your Prayers. I had a reconstructive heart surgery back in May. I have been in and out of the hospital ever since. I am now on dialysis , three times a week. an number of other issues. I Thank You So Very Much. May Our Lord Bless You & Your Families --- Michael

I am trying to protect my 2 young grandchildren from ongoing abuse and neglect. Our courts have failed to protect them, instead repeatedly giving parents 'another go' I need urgent prayers --- Alison

Please pray for my sister and her cat. Friday of last week, she was told her beloved pet has an aggressive form of cancer, and not much time left on this earth. Maybe days… She phoned me in hysterics, even talking about “giving up” (on life). She has cancer herself, and has been on a waiting list, for surgery, since the summer! Please pray for her, and for this blessed animal. Thank you. --- Jannie

Please pray that I am able to find a well maintained low-rent home to live in. I also pray that my bilateral hearing loss claim be approved I thank God in advance --- Barbara

I expressed to my husband something he did that bothered me, & now he's mad at me, when I feel like he should apologize. Please pray that he won't be this way & that he'll be more understanding. Thank you --- Ruth

I thank the Lord for giving me strength to be able to deal with my husband’s needs regarding his health. I am still asking for help with him because I am unable to do the necessary things that he requires. He is 95 and I am 92 and it is getting very difficult for me. Thank you. --- Lorraine

My family has major problems of health, housing, and finance. Please pray that everything will fall into place and we can persevere --- Elise

Please pray Derek can keep his new job. --- Sandra

Please pray for the Healing of my diabetic Kidney serious disease that I can take care of my family. Pray that God would bless us financially to accomplish to buy a small plot to construct a small Church here in India. --- Ngamkholal

God please give me guidance in my current part time job --- Wanda

Please pray for favour for my son in asking his boss for more time off to recover from covid. --- Alice

Our son will come back to The Lord, find employment. Our daughter find her husband. Amen --- Paula

Please pray that my son and daughter attract great spouses and build wonderful families soon --- Bob

Tomorrow morning I will be having a hernia operation. Please pray that there will be no complications And God will be with me thank you --- Frank