Prayers requests that needs prayer:

Please pray for me that Jesus will take away the anxiety that is causing me stress, worry, and pain. Thank you --- Christina

Pray for L recovering from heart surgery. Pray she is better than ever and no restrictions. Pray M’s total healing of hole in her stomach and legs hurt. Thank you and God bless, --- Pamela

Please pray our landlord let us stay here and he will take me to work often --- Martin

Our minister had an accident while attending a Conference. He tripped and fell on his face. He is currently hospital. Please add him to your prayers. Also please pray for Helen who is on a respirator for breathing difficulties. My husband who needs rehab to be able to walk and for his other injuries --- Lucy

Please pray for the healing of my husband's hand which he burned. Please pray for recovery for my son from covid. Please pray he is free from pain, coughing, dizziness, ear ache, fever and chills. Please pray that his breathing is normal. Please pray that he regains his strength. Please pray he would have a good night sleep. Please pray for his peace. The Lord is healing my son. --- Alice

Please pray for my grandson. He is 6. He had Covid and now has Flu. He is a small little guy and has lost four pounds in the last month. Please pray for his healing and that he can put on some weight --- Penny

Pray that my granddaughter, she has her inguinal hernia, prayers to be healed perfectly without a surgery. Help her to be strong physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and intellectually. Help her to be focussed in her studies and be inspired to always perform her best --- Juliet

I am having cough, and phlegm. I have a little temperature, my nose is clogged. Pls. Pray for my healing. Amen. – Ede

Please prayer my boyfriend will be nice to me and let me go out --- Sabrina

I am asking for prayers for my niece. She has had kidney problems. --- Teresa

Please pray for my sister as she is not feeling well. --- Rose

Please pray that the production problem at work will be solved --- Beth

Please pray that my children get godly partners --- Bobby

Thy will be done in my life --- Kay

Please, Pray for LORD open the way for me! I am lost. I need LORD's help! Amen --- Oxana

Please pray for myself and my fiancée I'm asking God to bless us our life we are planning on getting married next week and I'm asking God to keep his hands over our life our marriage --- Jerome

Please pray for peace. As I feared, unreasonable people are rioting --- Dale

Please pray for Clara. Her wounds are not healing. She has bile leakage that has put her at risk. I want her to heal. I have cancer. We need miracles --- Pauline

Healing if friend Kathy who had a cancerous spot on her lung --- Pat

I need prayers for God’s help --- Nita

Please pray for my healing --- Dolores

Prayer for my son to be released from jail and sent home --- Jessie

Prayers for my son and his wife as they go through a tough divorce and prayers for the children --- Marge

Please kindly pray for freedom from stalking, emotional healing and a family home --- Kayla

I have totally lost my way. Help prayer please! Thank you so much --- Jonathan

Struggling with some things needed strength to overcome --- Eve

Pray that God handles everything. That I'm not tired or doze off at work. For me to not get I'm any type of trouble or anything. For His to take care of stuff and calm my nerves. For the past to stay in the past. Amen --- Abi

Please pray that God leads me to the right jobs that I can handle doing-both volunteer and paid work --- Jim

We lost our daughter at 36 weeks in Feb 2020. We have tried since then to conceive, but without success. Our hearts are broken from loss and from the inability to see our family grow. We trust God, but we are so confused and in so much pain. I am running out of hope --- Lindsey

Please keep my husband and me in your prayers for protection for our health. --- Krista

Kindly pray for divine guidance and protection for my family members --- John

Please pray my girlfriend is allowed to come to Australia --- Joshua

I pray that my mom, dad, brother and grandparents are doing well; I miss them and love them --- Julie

Ask God to bless and heal my son. Thank you Lord for all my blessings --- Charlie

Jobs needed --- Glen

Lord I pray to not be heartbroken again and to be with the man you have for me --- Michelle