Part 3 --- LET YOUR NAME BE SET APART --- Acknowledgement

After Yeshua said, “Our Father Who is in the heavens,” He gave us 7 petitions. “Let Your Name be set apart” is the first. YHVH’s Name deals with His person. When Moses said, “Let me see Your Glory,” YHVH revealed His Name to him, saying “I’m Adonai, I’m merciful, I’m gracious, long-suffering.” Remember, the Jewish people knew YHVH through 12 revelations of His name:

• ELOHIM -- meaning creator. You can’t know the Father until you know the Creator. He’s our Creator before He becomes our Father.
• YHVH - meaning my Father. The word YHVH contains covenant in it and therefore He becomes our Father.
• YHVH EL-SHADDAI - meaning my Supply and Nourishment.
• ADONAI - meaning my Master.
• YHVH YIREH - It means two things in the Hebrew. 1) Provider and 2) it also means vision. My vision, the One I see. My vision. The Hebrew word Yireh is, I see or I see a vision. So when Abraham looked and saw the sacrifice, he said, “I see YHVH’s provision.”
• YHVH ROPHE - meaning my Healer.
• YHVH NISSY - meaning my Victory.
• YHVH M’KADDESH - meaning my Sanctifier.
• YHVH SHALOM - meaning our Peace.
• YHVH TSIDKENU - meaning our Righteousness.
• YHVH ROHI - meaning my Shepherd
• YHVH SHAMMAH - meaning the Presence. It speaks of YHVH’s presence. Our Adonai is there.

So when we say Our Father, all these revelations become a part of that one call upon Adonai. The moment you say Father, you’re recognizing YHVH, saying, “You’re my Master. You’re my Supply. You’re my Provider. You’re my Healer. You’re my Victory. You’re my Sanctifier. You’re my Righteousness; You’re my Peace; You are my Shepherd. You are the One I need.” In that revelation is contained relationship and fellowship. The Scriptures declare, “But set apart YHVH Elohim in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to everyone asking you a reason concerning the expectation that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15). When we set YHVH's Name apart, we are sanctifying Him in our hearts, giving Him the place He deserves in our life and giving Him the place He deserves in our hearts.