Mercy Matters Most

They may be wrong but how right are we when we aim to prove it? And did not our Savior say “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” ?

How tempting it is to make fun of and mock the Christian believers still stuck in sungod superstitions. How easy it is to sneer and be snide to those folks who think the Father sent His ‘Son’ to overturn everything He had so far said and done. How instinctive it is to belittle the people who think obedience to the Heavenly Father is following demonic doctrine, resting on the Sabbath Day is working for salvation, and living in like manner to the Messiah is judaizing…but adopting Greco-Roman tradition is not hellenizing.

Yet however we feel it is imperative we remember who we are and Whom we serve.
It is most important of all to remember that we not only know the truth but as agents of the truth we have a duty to live by it too.

And how we deliver the message is as important as the message itself.

We did not wake ourselves up after all. It was the mercy of the Most High that called to us in our endless slumber. We just happened to be blessed to be able to hear His Voice, to stir, and to start to come out of our dreams and into waking life.

So as much as we may be inclined toward insults it’s not helpful nor necessary and it most certainly is not merciful.

This is not to say we must baby our Christian cousins. That we must speak in hushed whispers so they don’t have to wake against their will. That we should couch our terminology and curb our words to be more pleasant and winsome. No.

And it doesn’t mean we can’t speak critically of Christianity nor address crucial issues of indoctrination, abomination, and amalgamation. It doesn’t mean we don’t call out lies and evil behaviors and corrupted doctrines.

And it doesn’t mean we can’t joke with eachother over foibles of our former faith. That we can’t laugh at who we were and how foolish and failed the whole wicked system is.

But what it does mean is that we don’t get in the faces of friendly people and yell at them over things they believe to be matters of true faith. It does mean we act with tact. It means approaching them with grace, with thought provoking questions, and with compassion for their lives and souls both. It means we show them the love of the Father through the actions of His ‘Son’ and not bring them petty insults and condemnation for what they have no reason to know.

Yes we may joke amongst eachother about the accursed church but these are inside jokes not meant for those still asleep and peacefully dreaming of perversions they’ve been trained to see as pure and holy.

We must remember where we came from. Remember what it took to wake us up. And how far and fast we would have run from people like us before we woke up. Why should we expect others to respond warmly to the same behavior we ourselves would have fled from long ago?

Question Everything

Caleb Lussier

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