“Forget your former teachings - learn everything anew - start over …”


We find a text (Phil 3:13), which applies unto our search for Scriptural knowledge, although Apostle Saul's meaning is more inclusive. He says, "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of Yahweh in the Messiah Yahshua."

Most of us have had religious experiences in our past lives. Most have had religious parents and were trained in the religions of our fathers and mothers. We revere them, we honor their endeavors to train us for life eternal [everlasting], and so many of us are loath to relinquish some of the teachings we received in our former years.

The fact that we cling to the "church teachings" of our former life, bringing them with us into the "true way," thus "muddying" the clear waters of truth, causes the divisions that are manifest among the true children of Yahweh.

We must forget those things behind - whether we were Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Adventist, or Sabbatarian. We must forget every teaching and start over again.

Yes, I mean just that. If you had a truth in the former church of your experience, it will not hurt to examine that subject anew, under the search light of Yahweh's Scriptures. If it is truth, it will not be harmed. If it is error you have thought [to be] truth, then you are the wiser.
My experience in striving to work with brethren, equally honest and sincere and consecrated as am, is one of bitter trial, when such forget to leave doctrines of their church days behind, but bring them in and mix them with their new found truth.

Back in 1929, when Yahweh awakened me to the knowledge that there were truths in His blessed old Book that the churches did not know, I rejoiced greatly and began to study diligently; but I soon came to the conclusion that I could not make the Scriptures harmonize with the creeds and doctrines of the Churches. There remained only one thing to do and that was to forget "those things behind."

I had been born and reared in the Methodist Church. I knew its doctrines well, for was I not the teacher of a "Men's Bible Class" in a large city church, whose membership consisted of learned and successful businessmen? I had to know, and I did know, Methodist doctrines; but these I delegated to the scrap heap when I went to digging for truth. And, praise Yahweh, when I learned a truth from the Scriptures, if it harmonized with the Methodists, the Baptists, the Adventists, the Pentecostals, the Sabbatarians, or other sectarians, I rejoiced with them; but if the Scriptures taught another fact, and it disagreed with all of them, then I rejoiced the greater, for Yahweh was leading me on.

Now, beloved brother, or sister, if you are desirous of learning the truth, let the Holy Spirit lead, but do not hinder its work in your life. Forget your former teachings - learn everything anew - start over - try your former doctrines by Yahweh's Word, and "hold fast to that which is good." 1 Thess. 5:21.

You will find, beloved, it is much harder to unlearn error than it is to learn truth. Try and see!

C.O. Dodd (deceased), Original Editor of The Faith Magazine (published by The Assembly of YAHWEH)


(Though we recommend many other ministries that likewise attempt to hold fast to the Torah and walk in The Way, The Order of the Fifth Gospel, is unaffiliated in anyway with these organizations.)

Caleb Lussier

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