The Nation and the Covenant

“…Not a covenant with the nations to replace Israel but a covenant with Israel to restore the people back from the nations once again.”

YHWH swore an eternal covenant with Israel.

But Israel broke that covenant…

…so YHWH broke Israel.

A broken Nation for a broken Covenant.

Yet YHWH swore to restore that Nation just like He swore to restore that Covenant.

Not a different nation.

Not a different covenant.

Today most people believe Israel is just the Jews and nobody else.


Mostly because the Jews say they are Israel and everyone else seems to agree (without inquiry).

Today the Jews ignore their part in the broken covenant and act like only the other tribes were entirely responsible and removed. (If the other tribes are ever mentioned, which they usually are not.)

And christians believe there is a brand new covenant unlike anything ever before, and they themselves are included - a new Israel or a spiritual Israel or the Israel of “God”. (A way to get the blessings and promises of the so-called “old” covenant without all the pesky punishments for breaking it and without all the petty requirements for receiving the blessings.

A convenient covenant.

But forget what people say today. What does the Good Book say about Israel and the Covenant ?

The Bible tells us that the Nation of Israel was broken into the Kingdom of Judah to the south and the Kingdom of Ephraim to the North.
The Northern Kingdom was comprised of 10 tribes. And the Southern Kingdom of 3.

The Northern Kingdom was conquered in 722 BC by the Assyrian Empire, dragged off into exile and became the Lost Tribes, never to return.

The Southern Kingdom however was not conquered until 586 BC by the Babylonian Empire, dragged off into exile and returned 70 years later to a restored but diminished existence in the land of Israel.

These 3 returning Tribes were all from Judah.

They are Benjamin, Levi, and Judah.

Collectively known today as Jews.

(Ephraim did not and could not return, being permanently cut off from the Covenant.)

Indeed, Jews are part of Israel, infact the last natural part remaining that is not cut off.

But by no means are the Jews all of Israel.

They are merely all that remains.

So what’s the big deal? If they are all that’s left of the nation of old wouldn’t that make them now the whole nation?

To hear them tell the tale, that would be the story. The rest were cut off and cast away and lost. So now they back date the blessings on just the Jews.

“The Most High chose the Jews. He saved the Jews. He blessed the Jews.”

Yet when the Almighty made His promises He swore them with 10 other tribes too besides these 3…and there remain still promises yet to be fulfilled.

Following the divisions, YHWH sent His Word foretelling that the two Kingdoms would one day be restored into a single Nation again. He swore that the dry bones that are the Lost Tribes would be restored to life again and He promised to make a new covenant or rather to make that same covenant anew.

A promise of a renewed Nation and a renewed Covenant.

Not a remnant of the Nation playing the part of the whole. Not a replacement nation. Not a spiritual version. Nor another people bearing the same name.

And not a different covenant because the old was oppressive. Not something contrarian to the first because the first was abolished. No

A restored covenant because the first was broken. And restored because it because it was perfect but the people who are not, are in need of it.

So the Nation of Israel is more than we’ve been led to believe by both Jews and Christians, as is the eternal covenant, “old” and “new”.

It may include the Jew, but it may very well also include you too.

YHWH sent off 10 tribes of His Nation into exile in the world…and they did not die out. They intermarried with the peoples of the world, and their descendants walk the earth today.

They are from many races and countries. From many traditions and many languages. But nevertheless these are as much a part of Israel as Jews…

…that is..

…if they choose to be.

Long before Israel ever broke in two. Long even before Israel even conquered the Land, let alone entered it, YHWH Almighty told them - all of them - that when, not if, WHEN they rebelled and were exiled even if it be to the far ends of heaven, that if they (now we) returned to Him that He would bring us back and accept us as His very own people once again.

Christianity is by no measure the answer to this prophecy, the idea that all the promises to Israel are done, taken away and given over to the pagans to have all the blessings and none of the blame for wickedness. No. Rather this is an opportunity to offer to the peoples of the world who have the blood of Israel running through their vein, the ability to return home again.

The good news was never personal salvation for us to avoid eternal fire and sit on some clouds in the sky. It was a national salvation from oblivion and the chance for each individual to have a home again on the earth.

That was always the promise and we lost it through rebellion, but Messiah Yeshua restored it again in His blood. And can restored us to it if we are willing.

It’s no matter of perspective however. It’s not as if we can simply go on existing as Christians because we are in the same situation either way whether we acknowledge our Israelite heritage or not. No.

YHWH gave the Torah to us as Israelites and we broke it in ancient times. And we break it still today by trying to be part of the fictional Anglo-American idea called the Church.

All Israel must obey the Torah.

If we are in the new covenant then we must obey the Torah because it is a covenant, a contract to do just that.

The Church would have people believe they must admit that “Jesus” died for their sins and rose from the dead…with an end goal of achieving their own personal salvation.

But they are never required to explain why this Person they must believe in is an English version of the French version of the Latin version of the Greek version of the Hebrew original.

They are never required to explain the significance of His death and why His dying wasn’t just Him dying but more over somehow propitiation for our sin.

And they are never required to explain what sin is, why it’s so terrible He has to die for it, and why the church can now claim certain sins are no longer sins but are common practice among Christians.

If pressed to answer any questions about these matters, most Christians can’t answer. But the simple answer is that Yeshua (Whom they rename “Jesus”) died for sins because sin is breaking the Torah, which was the whole thing we were covenanted to do as Israel.

Yeshua made the covenant with us in ancient days as the Agent of YHWH, and He remade it again as His Agent once more.

Not a new covenant unlike the former, but the same covenant remade and made stronger.

Not a covenant to make sin (breaking the Torah) acceptable but a covenant to restore us to it and enable us to keep it.

Not a covenant with the nations to replace Israel but a covenant with Israel to restore the people back from the nations once again.

If you are of the people of the world, you have the opportunity to become a part of Israel, to enter into His new (renewed) and eternal covenant, but if you choose to belong to the nations, no covenant is offered to you.

The new covenant is the same as the old.

The new Nation is the same as the old.

Both strengthened by the shed blood of Yeshua.

If you want to go it alone chasing your own personal salvation and doing whatever you please, feel free. But if you do, the new covenant has no bearing on you, as it is offered only to those who chose to be Israel.

Question Everything

Caleb Lussier

55 Article Posts
