Am I of the Lost Tribes?

“…Yeshua didn’t die to make us justified gentiles.

…He died to make it possible for us to no longer be gentiles.“

Someone may say, “But how do I know if I belong to the Lost Tribes of Israel of not?”

The simple answer is that you can’t. Not if we are trying to dna test our way to the discovery.

YHWH has always acted for hearts and minds not the blood running through them.

Yes He favors His Nation of Israel but who Israel is is more than just genetics and generation.

One born into the covenant that violates the covenant in a manner requiring exile, is then removed from the covenant.

His birth does not matter but his actions and his allegiance…so why should it not be the same way with us, we who were born beyond the covenant and seek to join? Or who were otherwise born to the nations but have already crossed over and entered into the covenant?

In fact it is so and has always been so in Scripture.

Abraham was a Sumerian. But he left his native people, his land, his nation, his whole legacy to become a Hebrew instead.

Yet his son Ishmael was not chosen inspite of his blood and birth. Nor was Isaac’s son Esau chosen though born of the blood also.

From ancient times, YHWH has called to all people to come to His Covenant. This is why Israel is made to be a kingdom of priests and a light to the nations.

It was the duty of israel to teach the true worship of YHWH to the world. But Israel refused, instead adopting the worship of the world unto themselves.

And today this is the same way with Churchianity. YHWH called His people to come out from the nations and be set apart to Him, to be in the world but not of it. Yet the Christian religion has hoodwinked its adherents into thinking, YHWH Elohim is this generic feudalistic British “LORD God” instead and taught all her people to believe the blessings and promises made to Israel were all taken away from her and given to the people of the nations.

Churchianity doesn’t want us to be new creations, formerly belonging to the pagan nations but now full citizens of Israel. She wants us instead to stay pagan and play like all the old has passed away and all things become new…even though her denizens never leave their old things and never become anything new.

If you leave your allegiance to this world and to your identity as a gentile, choosing instead to enter into His Covenant then you join Israel and cease to be gentile.

There is no covenant with the gentiles.

Not the old covenant.

Not the new covenant.

There is only the covenant made with Israel and Judah and renewed by Messiah, Yeshua.

Your blood doesn’t matter.

Only the blood of Yeshua matters.

That’s the one part churchianity didn’t twist…

They just mixed up why it matters.

Yeshua didn’t die to make us justified gentiles.

He died to make it possible for us to no longer be gentiles.

So don’t fret over your genetics. Maybe you aren’t actually one of the millions of people descended from the Lost Tribes.

Perhaps not…but undoubtedly that’s half the point of why YHWH allowed those ten tribes to become lost among the nations and mixed into the masses of humanity, so that the blood of Israel would become so intermingled with that of so many other peoples that at last His people would stop thinking themselves so special for their genetics.

The one blood we all hold in common is that of our Master, Teacher, Savior and Messiah, Yeshua.

Rely on Him for your return to Israelite status or for your joining up for the first time.

And do as He instructed Israelites to do.

Love the Name of YHWH.

Cleave to His Covenant.

Honor His Sabbaths.

And as He swore to His emissaries of old, He will give you a place among His people.

And when you fall, and you will fall, you will have mercy in the blood of Yeshua.

Question Everything

Caleb Lussier

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