Word & Sword

“Whether or not your Bible is trustworthy is not at issue.

And it never should have been the issue.

The question is and always should have been...

‘Am I trustworthy with it?’”

Should I trust my Bible? 






How could we say that?! 


Simple...The Bible is not supposed to be trusted. 


What?!… that sounds blasphemous!


It is supposed to be studied, scrutinized, systematically checked and challenged to see if it is trustworthy…but never trusted.


And when done so continually, and objectively it seems to withstand the testing everytime. 


We put ourselves into great danger when we just trust what we were given as if that is enough.


But not only is it not enough, it is just enough to ensure our future failure when we come to the need to use this wondrous weapon against the enemy. 


As it has been said, the Bible is a sword and like any blade it is not to be trusted, because it is sharp and dangerous. It can just as easily hurt us as anyone else if we are not trained to properly handle it and if we do not wield it with care and care for it always. 


As with any sword, practice is required in order to become competent in its utilization. 


Use of the weapon will constantly prove it is infact as strong as it was claimed to be at its forging.


And cleaning, sharpening and storing of said Sword will also ensure its preparedness for battle if and when the day comes when it is called for.


Sure in an emergency an untrained hand may lift a blade and swing it, but unless the opponent is equally as untrained in swordplay, this will only ensure a false sense of safety for the wielder.


In the Day of War he will find his weapon worthless because it was left to rust, or blunted because it was not sharpened daily, or fragile and shattering at first hit because it was never inspected regularly for weaknesses.


Whether or not your Bible is trustworthy is not at issue.


And it never should have been the issue.


The question is and always should have been...


"Am I trustworthy with it?"


If this is your question, then you will be cautious with sharp objects and carefully checking the Bible to make sure it's as strong as purported and training yourself in its usage to ensure you are as ready to use it as you believe yourself to be.


Question Everything



Caleb Lussier

44 Article Posts
