Christian or Calvarian

There are only two choices we have when we come to Calvary. Only two. A choice to conform to it or to conform it to ourselves.

We who were not naturally born to Israel, we who where born to the nations, or as is erroneous reckoned “gentile”, knew nothing of The Way of YHWH. We knew nothing of the Torah and the traditions of the people of Israel. Whether our ancestors came from the other Lost Tribes or from afar off and unrelated, we had been raised for ages and generations in the pagan ways of our neighbors. 


YHWH offered His Way to the people of Judah (now known as Jews) not because they were their own special people to be propped up on a pedestal. No. But He offered them His Way because they were all that remained of His natural born people. 


Thereafter He offered to those of us who belong to the Lost Tribes the opportunity of return, and to those of us never before belonging to any Tribe, to chance to enter in and be a part of Israel…to be born again. 


The Way into Israel is through the Door that is Messiah. 


This was never an ending of the so-called “Old” Covenant with the Jews, because there was nothing wrong with that Covenant; and it wasn’t made with just the Jews. It was an eternal covenant, and it was made with the 3 tribes of Judah and the 10 tribes of Ephraim. 


Israel broke the covenant, so YHWH broke Israel. 


YHWH didn’t break His Covenant.


And He sent His Word, Yeshua, the King Messiah to renew and restore that exact same Covenant. 


To strengthen it and make it even more excellent, so that our breaking of it thereafter would never again result in the breaking of the people aswell. Only then did He offered us the opportunity to enter into that Covenant through His actions of ratifying it at Calvary.


For the Lost Tribes? 




And for us random pagan born “gentiles”?




YHWH wasn’t making a New Covenant that differed from the Old. He was making a New Covenant out of the Old. 


Same promises.


Same requirements.


With the same blessings.


And the same penalties.


For the same people.


There was not supposed to be a new religion.


There was not supposed to be a replacement. 


There was not supposed to be a change. 


Sure changes were made within the same covenant. Changes made within the people of Israel. 


But the One Covenant wasn’t replaced with another. Nor the One People replaced with another.


Nothing was added in. 


Nothing was taken away.


What then was the change?


Room was made within the existing Covenant for the Lost Ones to return and room was made within the existing people for new people to join. 


That’s it. 


More people are allowed in now. 


Allowed into the existing Covenant.  


Allowed to join the existing people. 


And that is the difference between a Calvarian and a Christian.


A Calvarian comes out from the pagan Nations, leaves his or her identity as a gentile, as a heathen, as a pagan, abandons all his or her own ideas, traditions and customs and embraces the new identity of being Hebrew. He or she crosses over from the world into the Nation of Israel. 


Not to become Jewish as the pagans see it. 


(Jews were always just a part of the greater commonwealth of Israel.)


But rather to join the Nation…the only Nation with whom the only Covenant was sworn. 


And to conform thereto. 


But contrariwise, the Christian comes to Calvary not crossing over, not surrendering, not abandoning gentile identity, pagan heritage, heathen custom, or world citizenship. 


Instead, he or she is seeking personal salvation from eternal perdition. Not a changed life. Not a new identity. And not a new Way. 


He or she comes to collect something from Israel and thereafter to return with it back again to the world. 


The Christian comes to Calvary asking for salvation for the consequences of breaking a Law he or she does not know of nor want to learn about. 


He or she wants salvation from lawbreaking, not by the cessation of hostilities toward the Law but rather by the Law’s removal and nullification. 


He or she doesn’t want to leave the world but to bring the Savior and Restorer of Israel away from His people to be the generalized generic savior of the world as they are.


He or she seeks to make Him the justifier of all the world’s junk customs. 


The Christian rejects the Hebrew Savior and the offer of citizenship in Israel, instead rebranding Yeshua as the Greco-Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Gentile Jesus and deciding there’s a new institution called the Church which replaces Israel and inherits all her blessings but none of her obligations or traditions or curses. 


The Christian comes to Calvary to acquire his pocket-god and walks off with his winnings to manufacture a cult worship of the Crucified.


The Calvarian comes to Calvary to relinquish his god and empty his pockets, to stay and embrace the the life of apprenticeship following the Crucified and learning The Way to Worship YHWH, His Way.


So, which one are you? 


Christian or Calvarian?


Question Everything



Caleb Lussier

54 Article Posts
