The Bubble & The Bible

Are you building on the level, or are you eyeballing it?

Whether we are hanging a picture or laying a foundation, without making sure our actions are always level our project will be way off, will end up looking horrible and will be unsafe.

In modern society we tend to utilize for this purpose what is called a bubble level. This is a straight flat device holding vials of either alcohol or oil with an air bubble inside.

Precise lines come pre-drawn on the vials to mark the exact center. When the bubble is within these lines we can know for a fact that what we are measuring is level.

What does this have to do with us spiritually?

Ironically, another name for this device is a spirit level. So called because of its alcohol content. And spiritually speaking our actions must be measured in the exact same manner aswell.

We are building a spiritual superstructure and if we don’t have a spirit level we will build crookedly and dangerously. Not only will all our work look lopsided in the end but it will be structurally unsound.

If we are merely hanging a picture on the wall or constructing something small, there’s a chance we may get away with eye-balling it. That is, if we happen to have enough natural talent to do so.

But making anything greater than our own approximate size, especially a building, is going to require that we acquire our measuring tools first. And this is true both physically and spiritually.

Many people have a religion that demands no more of them than hanging a portrait of their private idea of ‘Jesus’ on the wall of either their house or their heart or both. There’s not much need of any measurements for this.

But for those of use attempting to construct wonders, to build our bodies and our souls into a Temple worthy of the Name of YHWH, we need a trustworthy level.

And our bubble level is the the Bible.

Not the watered down version of recently days.

Our level is that long ago Hebrew document that outlines from on High, The Way in all its fullness. This and this alone is what we are to measure against.

It is said of the level, that the bubble never lies. And why? Because the bubble always obeys the laws of nature. If it is not centered then it is not level. Period. There’s no speculating. There is no theorizing. There is no explaining away. No maybe. No opinion.

There is only looking and knowing we are level or we are not. Not because of our feelings on the matter or how things appear to our naked eyes but by whether or not the bubble is in the middle.

And there is even such a thing as “in-level”. That is when the bubble is mostly between the two lines but off to one side or the other or even and sticking over one of the lines a bit. On the small scale this might be good enough. But the bigger we build the more we will realize that even that measurement was not quite precise. And in building well, the goal is never “good enough”. The goal is what is called “true-level”. That is, the whole bubble in the exact middle.
True both physically and spiritually.

The Bubble never lies The Bible never lies.

Men do Ministries do.

But not the level.

Men misread. Ministries make mistakes. They mismeasure. They misunderstand. They mess up.

But the level never lies.

Many men and ministries may even be “in-level”. That is to say they are within the truth but not fully and not exactly. They may be in the truth almost all the way, but their building will still be unlevel. Close…but still off.

A small enough building and it may even go unnoticed. It may be good-enough and even safe-enough. But the bigger we build we will discover this is no longer so.

And besides…”good enough” was never the goal. Greatness was the goal.

So wether we are building physically or spiritually, we must measure everything accordingly and trust the instruments not our instincts.

The Bubble never lies The Bible never lies.

Question Everything


Caleb Lussier

56 Article Posts
