The Hebrew Israelite calendar is 364 Days, NOT 354 of the Jewish lunar calendar. I compiled all the following locations that says the calendar is recorded to be 364 days:
Enoch 72:37 “And the year amounts to exactly 364 days.”
Enoch 74:10 “but change the year in exactly 364 days.”
Enoch 74:12 “the exact harmony of the world is completed in the separate 364 stations of the world.”
Enoch 81:6-7 “And the year is completed in 364 days.”
Enoch 81:11 “who divide the months and the years into 364 days”
Jubilees 6:32 “And command you the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning 364 days, and these will constitute a year”
Jubilees 6:38 “the year 364 days only"
Dead Sea Scrolls (Genesis Apocryphon) 4Q252, fr. I "On that day Noah went forth from the ark at the end of a full year of three hundred and sixty-four days"
Dead Sea Scrolls (Sectarian Calendar) 4Q3943-71 i "And the year Is complete: three-hundred and si[xty-four] days"
#readmethebiblegarth includes the whole book of Luke, with new recordings of Luke 1-5 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
#readmethebiblegarth now includes Judges 1-6 in Hebrew with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
The Hebrew for 2022 recordings demonstrate the Grenache tonal reading method for the Hebrew text which brings out the meaningful divisions of verses, according to semantic meaning of the cantillation marks found in the Masoretic text.
Consider This:
When we want to describe certain very disagreeable people, we say that they act as though they own everything. Perhaps not many of us are disposed to be thus in our relationships with each other, and yet it is a common fault.
Nothing is plainer than the teaching of the Bible on the subject of our indebtedness to YHVH. He gives nothing, though He entrusts us with many things.
Yet, there is a common feeling that it is our business of what He entrust us with, and ours alone, as to how we make use of that which has been left in our hands. In other words, we act as though we owned things.
Suppose, if, when you leave your car with the mechanic to have some minor repairs done, he should use it for his personal driving. Suppose the dry-cleaner should take the shirts that you bring him to have cleaned, and wear them going about his own affairs. It would, at least, cause some friction between you and your mechanic or dry-cleaner, as the case might be.
So, when you are about to decide how you shall use this opportunity or talent Elohim gave you, remember that our Owner YHVH has some rights that ought to be considered.
Thought For Today: Sunday April 17:
I have found many times that the casual believers have little or no influence for good upon others. Only the believers who refuses to compromise in matters of honesty, integrity and morality is bearing an effective witness for Moshiach…. Only by a life of obedience to the voice of the Spirit, by daily dying to self, by a full dedication to Moshiach and constant fellowship with Him are we enabled to live a godly life and have a positive influence on this present ungodly world. Is the world changing you…? Or are you changing the world?
Wayne Borges
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