Things that make you go Hmmmmmm.....coincidence?
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So it was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt.
Genesis 45:8
Joseph said to his brothers, "You didn't do this. God did." This was an offer of forgiveness, but also deflects the possibility of them saying later, "If we hadn't done what we did, you wouldn't have all that you have." It's also prophetic of #yeshua. The Jews and Romans didn't crucify him. God made it happen for His own reasons.
Adonai Eloheinu, sometimes my insides feel like a battle zone, where missiles are falling too close to home. Other times I'm caught in an endless storm, with thoughts flying out of control. Confusion reigns and defeat creeps in to steal my joy. I need Your peace -- the deep-down-in-my-heart kind that stays with me day and night and speaks confidently into the wind. Calm my anxious spirit Adonai; all the attacking "if-only's" and "what-ifs" fill me with needless worry. I know that trust is a big part of experiencing peace and that fear has no place in my life. Most of the things I worry about or dread don't even happen. So I am declaring my trust in You. I am releasing the reins of my life again and asking You to take control. I may need to pray this same prayer daily, but I am tired of the frenzy of life that leaves my schedule and my thoughts without any margin. I need more of You Elohim and less of me. I surrender and admit: I cannot control people, plans or even all my circumstances, but I can yield those things to You and focus on Your goodness. Thank You today for every good gift You gave, every blessing You sent, all the forgiveness I did not deserve and yes, for every trial You have allowed into my life. You bring good out of every circumstance if I will only let go and believe You. I know that when I pray and give thanks instead of worrying, You have promised that I can experience the kind of peace that passes all understanding. That is Your kind of peace Elohim. And it is the kind I crave. Whenever I am stressed, anxious or afraid, help me remember to run to You. You are the only One that can calm my fears and end my fretful behaviour. Whether in trivial or heavy matters, I know You will not only give me peace; Adonai, You will be my peace. And when I draw close to You -- in prayer, in reading Your Word, in keeping Your Torah, in helping another, in taking my mind off myself -- You will be there, up close and personal. I cannot handle these times alone, Adonai. Will You speak peace and calm my storms or hold my hand while we walk through them together? Will You bring the reassuring wisdom of those who have come through similar times into my life? Thank You Adonai. I am trusting You. In the Name of the One who makes the wind and the waves stand still, Yeshua Moshiach, Amein. --- Rebecca Barlow Jordan
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Can you love an enemy? Can you have joy in a trial? Can you have the fruit of the Spirit on an Elohim level?
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Can you love an enemy? Can you have joy in a trial? Can you have the fruit of the Spirit on an Elohim level?
Join MTOI every Friday as we “focus” on topics that affect our relationship with our Elohim and each other.
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On this date in history, 12/10/1780: The Battle of Northstreet, Connecticut. British forces under Colonel James De Lancey launch surprise, simultaneous attacks against three American posts. #otd #tdih #americanrevolution