Jacob has a reputation of being a deceiver, but it seems to me that this is a terrible misunderstanding of Scripture, maybe even slander. Although Jacob's life was full of lies, as far as I can recall, only one of them was his.
Jacob often struck deals that worked to his great benefit, whether because of the foolishness of the other person or because of divine Providence, but he told each person exactly what he was doing. The only person we know Jacob deceived was his father when he posed as Esau to ensure that he received the blessing that Esau had already promised to him.
Jacob didn't cheat anyone even then, but that one deception was the root of many future complications in his life. Because Jacob lied to his father Isaac to get his brother Esau's blessing, Rachel's father lied to him in order to secure a blessing for his daughter. Because Jacob deceived Isaac with a goat in order to put division between his father and brother, his sons deceived him with a goat in order to put division between him and his other son, Joseph.
God turned each of these events to his own purposes, illustrating his grand plan of redemption and restoration through Jacob's trials and family drama.
Shabbat Shalom everyone! Please catch my radio show tonight at 9:30pm and Monday at 3pm (central times). I’ll be featuring my new song “Same Ole Agenda” and sharing some compelling information concerning these troubled times when delusion and deception are the new norm! www.hebrewnationonline.com
Baruch atta Yehovah Eloheinu, Melekh ha'Olam
You are awesome and wonderful
great and powerful
loving, forgiving, healing and beautiful
Thank You for making today
and for sharing it with us
Thank You for providing what we need
and more than we could imagine to ask for
Thank You for being with us all the time
We love You!
The Love Of Giving:
When you catch a fish, take it out of the water, kill it and then cook it, you will say it is because you love fish. That is not true -- Never say you love fish when you do that. You only love yourself and the fish taste good to you, that is why you catch the fish, kill it, cook it and eat it. The same is with chicken, don't say you love chicken when you cut the head off, pluck the feather and cook it. You only love yourself and like the taste of the chicken.
So much of what is love -- is the love for yourself.
Even when a young couple falls in love. a Young man and a Young woman falls in love, so what does that mean? It means that he saw in this woman, someone who he felt, could provide him with all of his physical and emotional needs. She felt in this man, is somebody that she can write in her heart that was love. But this is not always the case. In many cases, each one is looking out for their own needs. Just look at the divorce statistics It is not love for the other. The other person becomes a vehicle for his / her own gratification. Too much of what is called love, is actually love for yourself.
On the other hand -- an external love, is not what I am going to get from the fish, chicken or relationship -- but what I am going to give. People are making a serious mistake in thinking that you give to those whom you love. The real answer is you love those to whom you give. Since self-love is in everybody -- and everybody do loves themselves -- but when I give to you, that part of me that I gave, has become a part in you, then that is a part of me that I love. My point is this, if I give something to you, I have invested myself in you. Therefore, true love is really a love of giving and not a love of receiving. Yeshua is an excellent example -- He loved you so much that He gave His life for you -- the love of giving.
Blessed are You YHVH Elohim, for You love us with an everlasting love. We rejoice that nothing can separate us from Your love in Yeshua Moshiach. YHVH Adonai, let Your light shine through us and help us to show Your love to each other at all times. YHVH Rohi, we give thanks for this TTN fellowship and for all who teach us to have faith in You. We pray for teachers and preachers, rabbi’s and evangelists, for ministers and Bible translators and we ask Your blessing upon all Bible study groups, and those who learn Your Word. We pray for all who are seeking to grow in love of You and in faith. YHVH Tsidkenou, we give thanks for all who reveal Your love and care through dedicated lives. We ask Your blessing upon all those who work among the deprived and under-privileged people of this world. We pray for all who seek to bring peace and unity to communities and nations. We pray for all who are homeless, hungry and in need. YHVH Yireh, we give thanks to You for all who have shown us love and care. We ask Your blessing upon our homes and our loved ones. We pray for all who are separated from their loved ones through illness or circumstance. We pray especially for the lonely and any who feel unloved. YHVH Rophe, we thank You for all who reveal love through working in the health professions. We pray for doctors, nurses, hospital staff, paramedics and ambulance employees. We ask Your blessing upon all who are ill, suffering or injured and especially for those who have no-one that can take care of them. YHVH Nissi, we give You thanks for the gift of eternal life. We rejoice in the fellowship of Your saints and ask Your comfort on all who have lost a loved one recently. May we all share with them in the fullness and glory of Your Kingdom. We pray this in the mighty Name of our Moshiach, Yeshua, amein.
Ashley Lockhart
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