The Mark of the Beast vs The Seal of the LORD
There will come a time when Revelation 13:16-17 will be the law of the land. Most people will take it willingly. After all, they need to take care of their families and God will understand. Will HE? But that is for the foolish and the people that Satan has deceived, saved, and unsaved.
This mark will be in the right hand and in their forehead. WHY? both? I know some Bibles have if (or) but it is both. There will be two witnesses to a person having the mark, 1. their hand 2. their foreheads.
What about this hand why would Satan want that?
Because people put their hand to whatever god they serve. And we are not saved by works but we stand before the LORD for the works we have done out of LOVE for the LORD. We don't bost on what we have done, but what we are willing to do for faith without works is dead. We can't help ourselves.
Deuteronomy 15:10 KJV
Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him, because for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto;
Satan is making it known that you have put your hand to get Satan's blessings and curses, not the LORDs.
WHAT about people who are REALLY SAVED and SERVE The LORD?
They won't get the mark because the LORD has already given them a seal in their foreheads that they belong to HIM. They will have to give their lives to keep the Seal of The LORD.
Revelation 9:4
King James Version
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
Men and Women, who have the MIND of Christ what better SEAL is there? To BE LIKE Jesus the Messiah who can take you from the LORD's HAND? For the Hand of the LORD has put to finishing what HE has started in YOU! Just a thought. ?
NO knowledge of the Bible
WRONG knowledge about the Bible
NOT ENOUGH knowledge about the Bible
"Lack of knowledge": "of God" (Hosea 4:1), that is, lack of piety. Their ignorance was wilful, as the epithet, "My people," implies; they ought to have known, having the opportunity, as the people of God. People are more comfortable with being what they think of gods. If they don't want the LORD they replace HIM with themselves and or what they want HIM that allows them in turn to make the rules and or break them and still think they are good people, but even more dangerous, to tell themselves they will still go to a "better place" even if that place is a MIRAGE. ?
Something to THINK about:
While working in the yard I saw fog, I said to the frog, your ancestors were in The LORD's army. While cutting the grass a few flying insects ?were around I told them the same thing. They didn't care.
My own personal Bible time.
The LORD used the frogs & insects ? NEVER allow Satan to tell YOU that the LORD doesn't want or CAN use YOU! Even stones can testify of HIS GLORY. HOW MUCH MORE ARE YOU! ?
I don’t like arguing about the Name of God, but I LOVE discussing it. Don’t know much about the so called sacred name movement, from what I do know I don’t agree with most of their tenants. But I’m not going to pretend that Yah’s Name doesn’t matter because I’m afraid of being associated with a certain group. And neither should you. `H
(1)Adam walked in the cool of the day with the LORD. What language did they speak? (2) Moses saw the burning bush, what language did the bush use? (3) II Kings 18: Eliakim wanted to speak in the Syrian language for WE understand it but what language did they use, The Jewish Language. When the note was placed before the LORD what language was used and how did the LORD answer come back? (4) When Paul was on the road to Damascus what language was used? Did you know that ONLY in the Hebrew alphabet each letter has a sound and a number value! Example: 18 stands for LChaim means "To Life". Not said correctly we get the saying, that doesn't sound right. Written wrong we get the saying, That doesn't add up. When Jesus said jot or tittle you know what HE was talking about. Even the stops and starts and every letter of the WORD of GOD can NOT or should not be changed. They knew it then but we don't understand in Modern times how one language could stand the test of time. So what language on the face of the EARTH is still the same from the walk with Adam in the cool of the day, until today? The sounds and numbers of Hebrew have not changed. What they do with the Bible in English or German is open to change. But NOT Hebrew it is the WORD of GOD today and forever. Just a thought.
Blessed are You Father Yahuah, Who sent Your Son Yeshua to be our Saviour. In Your love You have opened for us the way to eternal life and rescued us from perishing. Blessed are You our Father and our King. Come then Adonai, refresh and renew Your Church which without You is dull and dry. Come fill Your Church, which without You is dead. Fill it with Your life-giving presence and give it the power to proclaim the resurrection to eternal life. Lord, renew our faith in You. Give to Your Church a new sense of mission and outreach. Bless all preachers, ministers, missionaries and disciples of Your Word. Come Adonai, be known in all who share in Your saving purpose. Guide and bless all rescue workers. We pray for all doctors, nurses, ambulance personnel and paramedics. We pray for all fire services, staff of rescue boats, life savers and all who risk their lives in the care and service of others. We pray for all people who are carers. Come Adonai, let Your presence also be known in our homes and in our lives. Bless us in all our relationships and dealings with others and let Your light shine through us on all who we are in contact with on a daily basis. Come Adonai, with Your Light and love to lives that are struggling with poverty and debt, with bad housing and broken down communities. Come Adonai, to all whose hope is gone, the lost, the despairing and the deeply depressed. We pray for those who are over-worked, the world-weary, the exhausted and the worn-out. We ask Your blessing upon those who feel wrung out and dry, all who feel numb and those who senses are deadened. We pray for all suffering from deep stress or trauma and their loved-ones caring for them. We pray for those struggling in disaster areas and for their loved ones departed. We thank You for the hope of eternal life; may we all come to know the joys of Your Kingdom and the fullness of eternal life. Father, we ask that You accept this prayer for the sake of Your Son and our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach, amein.
Collette Batten
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