Today's Poem:
I Met My Master
I had walked life's path with an easy tread,
Had followed where comfort and pleasure led;
And then by chance in a quiet place
I met my Master face to face.
With station and rank and wealth for goal,
Much thought for body but none for soul,
I had entered to win this life's mad race
When I met my Master face to face.
I had built my castles, reared them high,
till their towers had pierced the blue of the sky;
I had sworn to rule with an iron mace
when I met my Master face to face.
I met Him and knew Him, and blushed to see
that His eyes full of sorrow were fixed on me;
and I faltered, and fell at His feet that day
while my castles vanished and melted away.
Melted and vanished; and in their place
I saw naught else but my Master's face;
And I cried aloud: "Oh, make me meet
to follow the marks of Thy wounded feet."
My thought is now for the souls of men;
I have lost my life to find it again
Ever since alone in that holy place
My Master and I stood face to face
We have been living in a world not His... Since Adam...
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Daily Prayer
Blessed are You O Holy King, for You reveal Your love to us through our families and friends. We learn of Your care and protection through the goodness and grace of our loved ones. We rejoice in the families of our Churches. May all who come find love, fellowship, acceptance and friendship. Lord, help Your Church be an instrument of peace and healing in this world. As we gather, let us show the unity that is ours in Jesus Christ. We pray for unity amongst all believers, that we may show unity to the world. We praise You O Lord for the wonderful variety of people and talents in the world. We ask Your blessing on all areas of growth in goodness and grace. We pray for our schools, colleges and universities as they start a new academic year this September. Adonai, guide all who influence the minds of young people; we pray for those who work with television and in the pop-culture of today. We give thanks for all that enriches and encourages family life. We pray for social services and all who support any families that are in difficulty. We pray for families where there is great debt or where love is absent. Bless our homes with Your love and care. We give thanks that You are a God who creates, heal and restores, that You care for our whole being; body, mind, spirit and soul. We pray for all who are injured in accidents or through acts of crime and violence, all who have taken ill and those who illness have no cure. We pray for their well-being and the knowledge of Your love. Bless all who share in healing, our doctors, nurses and all who work in hospitals. We ask that You forgive us our sins and that You keep Your hand of protection over us during this night. We love You Father and pray this prayer in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.
#readmethebiblegarth now includes Luke 1-13 in Greek with translation, and Nehemiah 11 in Hebrew with translation; and both in the Lawful Literal Version, here:
The Luke 10 Greek recording shows what role the one, true, unleavened Body of Yeshua has in the eventual fall of the Satan from the sky. Get with YHWH's program. Confirm yourself as a known and committed member of the Body of Yeshua. Write to me.