Please remember that this is a platform for you to use.
A tool to communicate with and nothing is set in stone.
Please create, Posts, Products, Page, Ariticles, Groups, etc that will help you to get your voice out and to connect with others in the network.
Think about groups for region or country or your hobbies. I wish that I could create a whole set of groups and administrate it myself, but I would be working myself into the ground.;-)
Some groups that I have though of are:
1. Husbands - leading our families
2. Dads - raising children
3. Mothers - raising children
4. Singles
5. Divorced
6. Music lessons
7. Art for teenagers
8. Off-grid living
9. Homesteading
10. Bushcraft
11. Woodworking
12. Baking and caking
13. Torah and the modern world
14. Antique restorations
15. Property maintenance and advice
16. Cooking on a dime
Consolidated list of online teaching material