Whether by accident or on purpose, we tend to be destructive if we’re not careful about our actions. We can see the damage we do to things and to the people around us, but are we aware of the damage we do in the spiritual realm? That’s a more serous matter, and it requires our Creator’s intervention to repair not only the damage we cause, but us. We understand that on a personal level, but do we have any idea how it works on a national level?
Whether by accident or on purpose, we tend to be destructive if we’re not careful about our actions. We can see the damage we do to things and to the people around us, but are we aware of the damage we do in the spiritual realm? That’s a more serous matter, and it requires our Creator’s intervention to repair not only the damage we cause, but us. We understand that on a personal level, but do we have any idea how it works on a national level?
Lily Portion for Today: Shabbat February 24
Fathers, your children’s education NOT only rest on the shoulders of their mothers! Help her and teach your children that heaven is waiting to help those who have discovered and obeyed Elohiym’s will for their lives. (Prayer: Father, wake up the earthly fathers to help and teach his children to praise You. Comfort his and the children’s hearts and be their Guide, in wisdom and truth, amein)
Some people seem to be very calm when it would appear they are surrounded by evil and we often wonder how this can happen. 2 Kings 6:17, “Then Elisha prayed, “O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw that the hills were full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. “ There is no need to panic when surrounded by evil if the evil that surrounds you is surrounded by the army of heaven.
Shabbat Shalom, fellow humans! Grafted into the same promise under the same exile, by the same Torah. Judaism doesn't condemn the breaking of Yahuah's Torah, only the breaking of the traditions of men, the Torah of the Pharisees. Diet and environment changes your pigment after only a few hundred years, but somehow where you live changes your ethnicity somehow. Biology and Science is a beautiful thing!