Check out this a #parallelism in #exodus 15:22-16:4...

- A - 15:22 – Set out from the Red Sea
-- B - To the wilderness of Shur, 3 days
---- C - 15:24 – No water
------ D - People grumbled about no water
-------- E - 15:25 – Solution sent from God
---------- F - A test of obedience
- A - 16:1 – Set out from Elim
-- B - To the wilderness of Sin, 15th day of 2nd month
---- C - Departed the land
------ D - 16:2-3 – People grumbled about no food
-------- E - 16:4 – Solution sent from God
---------- F - A test of obedience

#biblepatterns #bshalach