Master of the Sabbath

How important are the small words?! “Of The” make all the difference between our having to choose between the Master and His Sabbath.

How important are the small words!

We read that Messiah said He is “Lord of the Sabbath.” (Though a better translation is Master rather than the feudalistic british title “lord”. )

But in our time in churchianity we were trained to tear out “of the” in our minds, drawing a hard line between our Lord (Master) and that which He has declared Himself Lord (Master) thereof.

When we think of Lord we think of the Boss, the Ruler, the one incharge, and we think that the one in charge can do what he pleases with whatever he rules over. By extension we have thought because we want the Sabbath gone that so does He. And since He’s the Boss of it, He can do it.

We’ve severed our Master from His Sabbath by cutting out the little words “of the” and decided there is either the Lord “or the” Sabbath but not Lord “of the” Sabbath. And one can not rightly have both. But in reality, can one rightly relate to either without the other? Without the Master what is the Master’s Sabbath? And should we throw out the Sabbath of the Master, how can we be sure we have a right relationship with that Master?

The little words make all the difference. He is Master “of the” Sabbath, and Master doesn’t just me Boss, or Ruler, or one in charge as we’ve come to think of our title for Him - “Lord”. Rather, Master is the one who is the expert in a thing, the best at it, the teacher of it, and the one dedicated to it in diligence.

Far from our idea of having to pick between the Master and His Sabbath in the absence of these little words “of the”, instead we see (when we stop changing the meaning of words, and replacing the words of Scripture with medieval tradition) that infact, our Master is the expert “of the” Sabbath. The best at keeping the Sabbath. The Teacher “of the” Sabbath. And the one dedicated to keeping the Sabbath and diligently showing us how.

So if you have been all along mentally ripping out these little words and making an artificial rift between your Lord and Master and His holy Sabbath, do yourself a favor and mend that page in your mind. Yeshua the Messiah, the “Son of Man is Master of the Sabbath”. The expert in it. The best at it. The teacher of it. And the one most dedicated to diligently be doing it.

Don’t you want to imitate your Master?!


Caleb Lussier

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