Feelings & Food

Were you just fooling yourself into an excuse so you didn’t have to face the facts?

So you think your “Jesus” made all foods clean, huh?

Do you really THINK that?

…Or is it merely a FEELING you have that you’ve never really pondered much on?

Well, we are going to think about it right now.
No more feelings on the issue.

Time to actually face it and see what is really so.

If you feel like it’s okay to eat anything you want and feel like “Christ” cleansed everything you want to consume, and feel like it doesn’t matter anymore what you eat, we would challenge you to actually check.

Not prooftexting - where you start by knowing everything is clean now and then cherry picking certain verses (while conveniently ignoring others) to set them up to seem to say that you are correct.

(We can do that with a newspaper or a comic book, if we wish, to the exact same results.)

Instead let’s ask the hard questions.

“What does the Bible call food?”

The list is laid out in Leviticus 11 Deuteronomy 14.

Guess what? According to the definition provided by the Bible, not our fuzzy feelings, only clean things can be considered food at all.

If you are still defending your feelings on this subject, you will likely jump in here to say that “Jesus” changed all that.

But put your feelings aside and see if you can find that as a fact from Scripture.

Really, take a hard look…

You can find no such thing. And absent feelings, we find also that our former arguments in favor of our own wants, has been nonsensical all along. Why? Because we’ve been trained to feel “He made all foods clean.” Not knowing that that argument could only be concocted by someone who never knew the original rule - since only what is clean is considered foo according to Scripture.

To make such a messy argument you would have to begin believing everything is food but somethings that were food were forbidden.

But that’s not what’s writ in Scripture.

So the emotional argument should rather be,

a belief that He made all things food that were formerly not food, as opposed to the feeling that He made all things clean that were formerly unclean.

But let’s keep on this line of thought shall we…

So He didn’t make all things food obviously, but …

“Did He make all things clean?”

Again we have to check not emote.

What did He say makes these meats unclean?

Take the pig for example - everybody’s favorite breakfast.

What does the Bible say makes this creature, unclean for consumption?

It does not chew the cud.

Period. Full stop.

It’s not just cuz it’s a pig and it’s delicious and the Almighty Maker doesn’t want you having tasty things.

No. Not chewing the cud. That’s it. There’s no other reason.

It has to have split hooves AND chew the cud.

But pigs do not fit this.

Their hooves are split but they don’t chew the cud.

So what makes this creature unclean?


What would therefore be required to be altered to make it a clean animal?


Did the Messiah have the ability to alter biology?

He demonstrated as much in many of His miracles.

But did He alter the biology of the pig or any other unclean animal?

No. He did not.

He proved He had the power to do so, but it never came up as a possible act.

So, what you are eating your Bible says is not food, not clean, and not to eat it or touch its carcass.

Emotional attachment aside, what reason do you have to continue in disobedience?

You have no reason to believe this creature is food by biblical standards. You have no reason to believe it is washed clean by your “Jesus”.

And you have no reason to believe that His standard has changed nor that the biology of the creature has changed to fit the standard.


Are you willing to admit now that you never really believed the emotional circus you made for yourself?

You can admit it. It’s okay.

The first step to fixing a problem is admitting it exists.

You never really thought all things were clean, or that all things were changed, that all things were made food.

You just were fooling yourself into an excuse so you didn’t have to face the facts.

The real reason you eat what the Bible you believe you believe in says is abomination, is because you want to.

It’s that simple.

You want to.

It’s okay. We all want to.l do things we aren’t supposed to.

But are you willing to want something else more?

Are you willing to set aside your want to and obey the Bible instead?

All you have to do is Decide.

Question Everything

Caleb Lussier

56 Article Posts
