The Meaning Of The Avatar That Henk Asked About

Henk asked me about the Zodiac Wheel. Here I write more about it.


The Mosaic pavement in Beit Alpha, Israel, is unique in several ways.

The beginning of a given wheel in a Ptolemaic format, (the Mazzaroth) usually begins on the horizon line which is indicated by the line furthest to the left when facing a wheel. This wheel begins with Libra, or in Hebrew, Mozna’aim. (This is not what the names appear to say in Hebrew here, for the record) This is atypical because it has the beginning in what is the fall season, or during Yom Kippur time period. Probably, this concerns the synagogue being a place where one is being spiritually “weighed”. This starting at this position flips the wheel 180 degrees from its standard position.

The next area that comes directly under the Scales is the Scorpion, known as Scorpio, but in Hebrew it is called Aqrab. This is usually a sign of danger, or death, or judgment. Here, in this position, it relates to where the physical body is typically indicated. The messaging here might be beware desire which kills.

The position in the third slot is Sagittarius, or Keshet. This means “bending” and usually indicates a bow or rainbow. Normally, this position indicates communication or siblings. Here, the idea is probably to make sure your mouth is speaking about spiritual things, or things that pertain to the Covenant.

The fourth area is marred, but follows along the progression with Capricorn, or “Gedi”. This means kid or goat, and is also associated with a location where David hid from Saul, which was possibly where an Essene community resided which was called En Gedi.

The fifth quadrant is Aquarius, or D’li. Here are the themes of future redemption and unity which are in the house usually associated with Leo, or the ego. Clearly, the emphasis here is one of spiritual release from bondage.

The sixth wedge shows the fish, or the area of Pisces--Dagim. This is typically the area of service, and indicates a kind of suffering servant for certain which is probably a heavy hint about the nature of Messiah. Dagim concerns compassion and spirituality--in this case an embodied form as opposed to something nebulous.

The area farthest right is Aries, or in Hebrew, T’leh. This symbolizes the Lamb or sometimes the Ram, which was/is the atonement offering. This is a directly opposite concept to Aries being mostly about war...

The eighth location directly above Aries is Taurus or in Hebrew Shor. There are many themes here about bulls and sacrifice and hidden things. Also alluded to are golden calves, which are not sacrifices in any sense of the word. One might also see this sign as concerning the entire Earth. (desire, akrab, scorpio, brought us all here)

In the ninth sector, we find Gemini, or Sivan. This spot has to do with philosophy or higher mind but here we find the twins which symbolize duality. The story here likely relates to Cain and Abel and how those two paths are different and cause a divergence. It also shows the original split in Eve and her desire to be the “mother of all flesh”.

The position highest on the chart is Cancer, or Sartan. Normally this is associated with mother or home, and indeed there are connections to the concept of the sheep gate and this area. The reason this appears in the most upward position is probably because one is a member of a flock, and ought to be following the shepherd, and staying in the proper fold.

The eleventh quadrant is Leo, or Aryeh in Hebrew. Usually we think of this position as being very collectivist/tribal, so it is odd to see Leo here but becomes more parsable when we also remember that the Messiah was the Lion of Judah. Since that example and sacrifice was for everyone, it makes the ego in the service of the all make some degree of sense in this placement.

Finally, we arrive at the last section, which is Virgo or Betulah. The basic translation stays the same here meaning virgin. Put together with the rest of the zodiac (Mazzaroth), and you have the virgin giving birth to bring about justice due to death/desire to fulfill the promise or Covenant. This is to restore the crown/kingship so that it is not cut off, for everyone. An embodiment of spirit dedicated to service will do this as a sacrifice, or lamb/ram as a balance or atonement. This will be an acceptable sacrifice to YHVH that will separate people into a Cain/guilty of murder/wanting property trajectory or Able, offering what YHVH wants pathway. This allows the sheep to gather in the gate as a gathering of the flock under the leadership or example of the Lion of Judah, which, was, of course, born via the Virgin--and here we come full circle.

The purpose then, of this zodiac might be to articulate this specific narrative concerning the heavens as a reminder to the congregants that the heavens testify as to the plan of salvation that the Father knew would come well before anyone else suspected it might.


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