wanna see Genesis 1 in Rev 6-8?

a just about complete full turn of the circle...

Hi folks, henk here.

i'm a content guy, dunno how to do fancy graphics etc.

i also focus almost entirely on the spiritual aspect of the Word, for God is Spirit, and wishes to be worshiped in spirit and in truth.

now we know that, and yet if there's one book of the Book that is approached in the physical sense, it has to be Revelation.

don't get me wrong, i also think that there is definitely going to be a physical end of days etc, it's just that when looking through a spiritual lens, as it were, the entire world, and the (hi-)story of it, is all inside oneself. 

an interesting aside, i recently gathered that there is a line of thought in the rabbinical commentaries that says Genesis 1 talks of the spiritual creation, and Genesis 2 of the physical. i'd go a step further, but that's outside the scope of this article.

so why did i describe this article as just about a turn of a circle? well, from the point of view of having 'fallen' down, it's all about getting back 'up' to where we 'fell' from. full circle. the way we get back 'up' is well, the 'Way'.

so, how do i see Genesis 1 in Revelation 6-8?

as befits a circular motion, in reverse, that's how. and because there's still more to come in Revelation, the process is not a complete one, or there would not be further chapters in Revelation...

also, there is one area i cannot fully compare, that's why i say just about complete. this may be due to my ignorance, on the other hand it may be because i'm seeing something that's not there. let me show you what i see and you tell me.

so, having a tab open on Genesis and another on Revelation will really help, or two Bibles, one Bible is really gonna be laborious.

oh, i have to start either from the horsemen (following Revelation)  or from the light and separation thereof (following Genesis), theatrical drama says build up to the horsemen, keep 'em reading till the end, hehe.

one may note that i'm going through the seals (Rev 6) and up to the first four trumpets of Revelation (ch 8), yup, that's the first 'pass' that Revelation makes through it's multi-faceted disassembling of things. the next one comes after woe woe woe...and then the next, but again, that's otsota (outside the scope of this article).

i'm going to pick out the relevant verses, and more specifically the key words that show the linking, i'm not doing an explanation of either Books, i'm showing the linkage.

(do bear in mind that chapter and verse numberings are largely sucked out of thumbs by the various scribes involved in passing the Word down the generations.)

Gen (chapter 1 verse, not going to repeat this, it's all chapter 1) 3

light and darkness separated, called day and night

Rev 8:12

a third of day without light, and a third of night as well (partial, only a third, that's significant, but otsota)

Gen 8

the separated expanse between the waters is called sky (or heaven)

Rev 8:10

great star fell from heaven (or sky) on waters

Gen 10

earth and sea separated

Rev 8:9

sea part of Gen1:10, third of sea turns to blood, third of creatures in sea and third of ships destroyed

Gen 11

earth brings forth seed bearing plants(grasses) and fruit bearing trees

Rev 8:7

third of earth burnt up (earth part of gen1:10), along with third of trees and all the grass

so, we've worked through the first three days of Genesis and the first four trumpets(reversed)  of Rev ch 8.

chapter 7 is sort of an intermezzo, very significant, of course, but you guessed it, otsota.

back on track,

Gen 16

the two great lights, sun and moon, and the stars 'as well', i only look at the Word with greatest respect, but i don't think that stops me from admiring a nice turn of phrase when i see one. and aren't there many?

Rev 6:12 and 13

the sun became black, the moon red, and the stars fell to earth, unripe figs.

so now we get to the fifth and sixth days, where living creatures get made, and are told to be fruitful and multiply, no lack of plenty in that.

and here it gets a ilttle harder to explain too. because things run a bit through each other here. also, the sea creatures already unavoidably got zapped in Rev 8:9, and birds and crawlies aren't mentioned in Revelation, nevertheless...

Gen 21

sea creatures and birds created

Gen 22

told to be fruitful and multiply

Gen 25

beasts and crawlies created

now, man is also made, and like i said, things run a bit through each other, and i want to get that fourth horseman out of the way, to focus on the other three...yeah, this is the iffy bit.

Rev 6:8

the pale green horse ridden by death, and authority was given him with hades over a fourth of the earth. i could stretch a point and compare to four living groups of creatures created, but i'm just showing a reflection of genesis in revelation, not creating a new church...

maybe i should include the creation of mankind along with the other creatures before the fourth horseman, because now i want to do a small jump to God's blessing that he gives male and female mankind just created.

Gen 28 (and here we don't go in reverse, but follow the order of the blessing. it's to do with other things otsota, but when God speaks from above the reversing process is not applicable, there is obviously no 'falling' involved. that's only for us creatures)

be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over all other creatures.

let's split them

be fruitful and multiply, good description of plenty.

Rev 6:5

the third horseman on the black horse, one-word description? famine - a serious lack of plenty.

fill the earth and subdue it

Rev 6:4

the second horseman on the red horse, aka war, taking away peace from the earth and making men slay each other, what can i say? this is not subdueing the earth at all.

rule over all other creatures

Rev 6:2

the first horseman on the white horse, riding forth to overcome and conquer. 

so, that's it. nothing huge, just interesting, that's all. giving a different bent that may or may not spark off other connections in one's ponderings of the Word.

(ps- how ever did i get to thinking about reversing orders? contemplating Job and really focussing on the four companions and their comments, because young elihu fascinated me, and then i sort of read the other characters in backward order, that gave me insights that are otsota, but i didn't hear the adversary singing backwards or anything while doing that...)

thanks for reading, folks



Henk Wouters

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