War and Peace

Celebrate peace but do not become complacent. The End will come in a time of peace.

We are most grateful to YHWH Most High for the apparent reprieve we have received from the seemingly inevitable instigation of WW3 and potential nuclear winter.

And we remain cautiously optimistic about the future…

But while Christianity continually fears over “wars and rumors of wars” the Master said that was not what to watch for. Infact, contrary to the Christian narrative, Yeshua said, “but the end is not yet.” He said that when they say “peace and safety” then destruction will come.

What all true students of Scripture should be suspicious of is not World War but World Peace.

If prosperity returns to the West and a sense of normalcy and mayhaps even sanity, treat that time like an anomaly and use that time to be prepared for anything.

The End is foretold to proceed from a period of prosperity not horror.

So guard your hearts. Guard your souls. And guard the Commands of Almighty YHWH.

Don’t obsess over the details of the Revelation. Don’t listen to doom and gloom preachers or prosperity gospel pundits. It matters not what order the events will unfold in. What matters is if we are ready for them, physically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Prepare food and water and survival gear, sure. But more than all, learn the Commandments of YHWH. And learn to follow Yeshua because the most important fact of the Revelation is that those who are on the side of the right, whom satan himself will seek to destroy and will be as it is written - “those who keep the Commandments of YHWH and have the faith in Yeshua”.

Learn to know and love the Name of YHWH. Learn to know and love His Commandments. Learn to follow faithfully your Master Yeshua the King Messiah now while there is still time.

Maybe the End is near. Maybe in 100 years.

But the dreaded words “world peace” are being floated for our hearing Today.

Be vigilant. And be virtuous.

We all have to go out sometime and somehow.

But torture and death may be our near future for fidelity to The Way. And preparation for torture is a spiritual, physical and psychological preparation. The time to ready for that possible End is now.

If we have to die, we shall go that way with our allegiance to YHWH intact and our fidelity to Yeshua true.

And learn and know the Sh’ma so well it is instinct to start speaking it allowed when the time comes to pass on from this world.



Caleb Lussier

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