Haunted Mansion

What will you do with your inheritance?

Most of us grew up some sort of Christian.
Depending on the church version of faith we were raised in determines how decrepit our discipleship.

But however we were raised, beyond all doubt, we have inherited a haunted house.

It may be a mansion but it is old and moldy, delapidated and damn near falling down. Some parts were built badly, others perfectly but left to rot. Some portions of our inheritance were made with inferior materials. Others the builder cut corners. We have gained a sprawling estate that is infested with termites and all manner of other critters gnawing at our timbers.

Our foundations are cracked. Additions were put on over the centuries that look ridiculous and clash with the innate architecture.

Over time the main building has suffered both fire and flood damage and has survived bad renters and bad landlords.

And coming into our own, we were handed the keys…(not that it matters cause all the locks were long since broken open and the whole place looted to the last valuable.)

So, what are you going to do with your property?

Will you move in, live there as is and call it home?

Will you begin renovations?

Or will you dismantle everything down to the ground shore up your foundation and begin rebuilding again, following the original blueprints strictly?

If you are a Christian you live in the run down house and say it’s glorious.

If you are Hebrew Roots you move in and try to stay in the better rooms.

If you are Messianic you live in a tent out in the yard while you make repairs.

If you are Calvarian you demolish the property, acquire the true building plans and reconstruct the wonder in the same place, as it was intended, where it was intended and how it was intended.

If you are Calvarian, you tolerate within your mansion no rot, no mold, no damage, no deviation from the plan. You tolerate no inferior materials, no cut corners, and no poor craftsmanship.

If you are Calvarian you take care who you allow to live in your house.

If you are Calvarian you keep a strong lock on the doors and windows and hire a watchman to guard the property.

If you are Calvarian, the color of the house doesn’t matter, not the decore within.

What matters is that the house can be a worthy home. That it is not rotting over our heads nor crumbling beneath our feet. What matters is that our friends, neighbors, guests, renters, and family treat our property with due respect and care.



Caleb Lussier

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