Salvation Issues

“If you’ve met the Messiah and are getting to know Him salvation is not one of your issues.”

To hear most people speak of salvation, whether they be Christian or Messianic one would think they are in possession of something valuable which they feel is also very fragile, and they forever fear of its becoming lost.

Salvation is so important to these people that it is their main goal and their all consuming focus. It is the center of all their beliefs and the motivation behind their every action.

So central is salvation to the mind of the average Messianic/Christian that he or she shall shirk off and shun any study, mute any matter, and ignore any important inquiry if they deem it to be not a “salvation issue”.

And yet, in spite of all the preoccupation with this notion, salvation is one of the least understood issues in existence in Christianity and the Messianic Movement.

To most folk it’s either something they hold onto and carry through life or else something that holds on to them and carries them through life. It’s either something we have and can lose or something that has us and can never be lost no matter what.

Salvation is felt to be the entire reason for being. By some it’s what they are chasing and by others it’s what they have already and exist only to possess.

Yet against this Christian doctrine (and yes it is a Christian doctrine even when held by Messy-anics) the entire Bible is penned for our instruction in righteousness. Not to help save us. Not to give us salvation to hold tightly in life so we can die comfy in the days to come.

The Scriptures were written not to save us but so that we can know that we need salvation, why we need saving, what we need to be saved from, how to acquire that salvation and then once we have been saved, what we are thereafter supposed to do about that salvation.
… And 9/10 of the Scriptures covers just that last portion - what we are to do with our salvation.

The Christians and Messies who chase their own personal salvation aren’t wrong that we need salvation. They just can’t seem to escape that churchianity slave mind and keep seeing salvation as the end goal rather than the reality of its being our begining and starting point.

We need salvation. That’s a fact. We are damned to die, and why? Because we have all broken the Instructions of our Heavenly Father - His Torah - the penalty for which brings death.

To most Christians, we are being saved from the Torah and to most Messianics we are being saved from eternal damnation. But in reality, we are being saved from a number of things: a life of evil and rebellion, death that results, and separation from our savior.

We are not saved from the Torah, because the Torah is the way of life. We are saved from breaking that Instruction which violations lead to death. And we are not saved from eternal damnation like a checkmark on a box that we have done and now we are all set to do as we please.

We are saved from the consequences of the wrongs for which we have now repented. We were condemned to perpetual ruination but by repentance and the blood of the Redeemer, we are offered another chance. A chance to what? A chance to return to the way of life.
Not to spend a life chasing salvation and fleeing anything unrelated to it.

Torah is the way of life. It is not the way of salvation, but the way of those who have salvation. The keeping of the Torah cannot save us because it is violations of the Torah that put us under the penalty of death. Keeping the instructions after, earning the penalty for breaking the instructions does not save us from the penalty. And once saved, keeping the instructions does not save us thereafter… It keeps us from needing to acquire salvation again. Because we only needed to be saved from having broken those instructions.

Our aim in life therefore, is supposed to be to keep the commandments of our Heavenly Father found in the Torah, to do so in the habit of our Master, Yeshua, He who is the Salvation of YHWH. It is His death that brought us life. Not the promise of eternal life only but redemption within this life as well… And leading to everlasting life.

Salvation therefore, is not an object or a condition. Salvation is a Person (THE Person) and the practices of that Person. If we have salvation, we have Him and if we have Him, we have salvation… because our Salvation is Him.

In the sense that your Salvation is Yeshua, Salvation is your initial goal. But not the condition of your saved soul or your own personal pardon from perdition. Our goal is to walk after Him in The Way of His Father’s Commandments. Not to seek our escape from the consequences of our own disobedience, but to seek His pleasure in all things, His Father’s Glory in all areas, and to be as like Him as we possibly can.

If we’ve met Him then we have found our Salvation. And that was the first step in the right direction. The goal of salvation ends there. We found Him and through Him return to The Way of Life in the Torah of YHWH. Thereafter we walk after Him. That is the goal. That is all.

We met Him and found our Salvation. Then we spend our life getting to know Him which requires learning all those pesky particulars that we may be tempted to dismiss as not being “salvation issues.”

If you’ve met the Messiah and are getting to know Him salvation is not one of your issues.

All the Book beyond our meeting Him is to follow in His footsteps. To go where He is heading and to do as He does.

So the next time you are tempted to utter that tired old lie of traditional religion “Torah doesn’t save me so I don’t need it” or that other oft used excuse for ignoring all-important aspects of our obedience “it’s not a salvation issue”, remember this…

Salvation was only supposed to be your focus till you found the Messiah. Then it becomes His issue not yours. Every step thereafter is a laser focus on finding out what pleases Him and following after Him in it not for our saving but for our living.

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Caleb Lussier

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