Why The IRS Must Be Abolished

The IRS Is a Weapon Against the First Amendment and It Has to Go

The IRS must be abolished because it has directly interfered with the First Amendment. The ways in which this are done are subtle, but I have seen them in operation against my own business and Church.  Allow me to explain how the exploit works.

The first thing a business or Church has to think about in the US is how it wants to incorporate. Because the US still has a tax on income, which incidentally, is not in keeping with the original outlining of taxes in the Constitution, one has to consider how they are going to be recognized in terms of income by the IRS.

Now, a Church does not need official recognition to be considered a non-profit, but it does require an EIN from the IRS--otherwise known as the Employee Identification Number. If a person uses a social security number instead, the IRS interprets that as “doing business as” instead of it being a separate entity.

Here is the problem, though. The IRS has been weaponized against people who are not promoting whatever it is that those in control of the IRS are espousing. So, if your business or Church is doing something that does not agree with the political climate things begin to happen.

In my experience, it started with the IRS saying it had not received the forms via mail it had asked for when indeed the forms had been sent. This then progressed to phone calls that were not returned or answered. The blame, however, lies with the person the IRS is targeting, of course, and not the IRS. It burns a lot of time and resources to deal with a problem that is being generated strictly for purposes of interference.

The escalation of this process is that penalties are assessed and the courts are used to begin docking money from certain accounts. While I did not experience this, I did experience the necessity of our business progressing from the structure of a for-profit on its way to a non-profit or Church. Again, the IRS, when following the actual legal way to do this, is apprised of the fact that a person has a Church. If it sounds odd that such a progression might take place from a for-profit to a non-profit--consider the instance of a Christian bookstore. Such a store is operating in a for-profit situation, but clearly profit is not the sole motive and probably there is a kind of ministry present. Should the situation arise, the bookstore might “morph” to a Church and possibly the opposite direction depending on the prevailing spiritual winds.

The non-profit Church was then attacked by leftist “progressives” who were holding the same kinds of agendas that the IRS was backing in the form of targeting specific kinds of “conservative” beliefs. In the meantime, the IRS becomes ineffective and the Federal Postal Service highly unreliable as a communication channel.

If you think, as I did, that the Postmaster General might be able to help you, you would be wrong in that thought process. Without getting into details, what do you suppose would happen if the Postmaster General refuses to execute laws regarding mail fraud where something like stolen mail is involved?

Where does this outline I have sketched leave you?

Well, if you have a for-profit business that you register with the IRS that happens to be more conservative, then you are providing your future enemy with the data they will use to attack you and your business with.

On the other hand, if you register your non-profit or Church with an EIN, the same thing happens. You cannot, in either case, operate as a business or a Church without providing the enemies of God your details who will be more than happy to use them to persecute you. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment and it is why the IRS, among other things, must be abolished.


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