Shabbat live fellowship 8-31-24 12:30 California time.
Your pastor told you the so-called “old” covenant was ended, abolished, nullified, no more, replaced with a so-called “new” covenant…but why? What was so bad about it?
If it was so bad why did YHWH our loving Father give it to us?
Your pastor told you it was a burden you couldn’t bear? Well, what was so terrible about it, and why would our loving Father give us such a harsh punishment?
Your pastor told you this covenant was a barrier between you and your salvation. If so why did our loving Father put such a hindrance between us and our redemption?
Your pastor told you that this covenant was something you used to have to use to earn your salvation. But if that’s true why did our loving Father make it impossible and harsh and cruel for generation after generation only to toss it out for us and replace it with easy-peasy, willy-nilly, wishy-washy whatever you feel like faith and grace and love?
…Or did your pastor have it all wrong?!
YHWH never said His Covenant was old and another would be new to take its place.
He said He would make the covenant anew because we broke it before.
Same covenant. Renewed.
YHWH never said His covenant was heavy and burdensome. He said it is life and blessing.
YHWH never told us keeping His covenant was a means of salvation. He said it is a means of being successful in all that we do.
So who are you going to believe - YHWH, your loving Father, or your pastor?
Question Everything
God doesn't care how meaningful those pagan rituals, prayers, holidays, and symbols are to you. He hates them.
Deuteronomy 12:29-31
Of course, not every tradition or ritual or holiday is pagan, not even all of the ones that aren't found in Scripture. I think it's important to look at them all honestly, setting aside all assumptions and emotional attachments. Don't throw it out just because you don't understand it, but don't keep it either without doing some research and prayer.
“Many are called but few are chosen.” YHWH invites us all to come to Him to be a part of what He is doing. But if we want to come to Him to make Him a part of what we are doing, what are we doing anything for? If we aren’t going to change we might aswell remain where we were doing what we were doing.
YHWH doesn’t change and He won’t suffer His Way to be changed.
If you want to do His Way your way, stay away.