On this date in history, 08/21/1831: Nat Turner leads a short-lived slave rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia. #otd #tdih #virginiahistory
Proverbs 16;20, “Whoever heeds instruction will find success, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.” What Solomon wrote is slightly different, Solomon wrote whoever is prudent to the word will find good and whoever trusts the Creator will be happy. Those who reject the word may appear to be wealthy and some seem to be happy but where will their wealth and earthly happiness be when they leave this earth? We can not take our wealth or our earthly things to the New Jerusalem but we can take our hope and our trust that our Creator will continue to keep His promises.
Thought for Today: Sunday August 21:
May salvation spring up all around you! May you see lives changed, relationships restored and souls healed wherever you turn. May your expectancy of what YHVH can and wants to do in your midst rise exponentially. Elohim is a Star-breathing, Miracle-working, Intimately-involved Most High King.
One question we don't like to ask is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Maybe we don't like to ask it because we don't want to know the answer.
One question we don't like to ask is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Maybe we don't like to ask it because we don't want to know the answer.