Hi family!
Here's this weeks music video! We hope you like our rendition of "Come Thou Fount" with Native style!
Thought for Today: Wednesday August 17:
May you throw aside your detailed expectations of what you want others to do for you and throw your arms open with fresh expectancy that YHVH will move in His time and His way according to His Wisdom and Will. He is your source of life and will never let you down or forsake you. You possess all when you have Him. Bless your precious faith-filled heart.
If YAH is going to dwell in our bodies by His spirit then our bodies have to be purified, they have to be cleansed and they are cleansed when we submit our selves to water immersion. For more information on this subject click the link below to view our series entitled, "Water Immersion: Why Is It Important To New Covenant Believers?" https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PL-HkmLfaY9QBHEP
I know this will be helpful to some of you.
A list of all (or all the ones I could find today) the articles and videos I've made on how and why the Torah applies to Christians today: https://soilfromstone.blogspot.....com/2022/08/objecti
I decided to list some Scripture verses that I could meditate on, to help me in those days when I don’t feel very pleasant in my child training endeavors.
God promised to keep a remnant of Israel. They will never be destroyed or rejected completely unless God is a liar. When God threatened to destroy Israel, it was only as a test of Moses or Israel. He would never destroy them. In fact, although he promised to discipline and exile them when they refused to keep his commandments, he also promised to restore them. You can't restore what doesn't exist.
#deuteronomy 8-9
What would it take to motivate you to move a thousand miles away from your family and friends? Maybe a promising new job? What about a new relationship, perhaps with someone you expect to marry? How about just getting away from an unpleasant or even dangerous situation? All of those might be good reasons to relocate to a strange new place, but would you do that to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit? That’s what David and Faith Jones did when they moved from Columbus, Ohio, to Brandon, Florida, to be part of a new work their pastor was doing in the Sunshine State.
You might recognize Dr. David Jones as one of the hosts of Reunion Roadmap. He and Barry Phillips have been sharing their thoughts on the scripture in the Midrash segment of the podcast since the beginning. Now we get to know more about David in his role as Pastor of Ruach Ministries International. Our three-part conversation starts with him telling how he and Faith decided early in their marriage to obey the voice of the Lord and move to Florida. It was a journey many years in the making, requiring much preparation before they were finally able to hear the call, and then obey even without knowing what awaited them in their new community.
A big reason David took that step of faith is because he had learned from his parents to trust the Almighty. That’s an aspect of his life that has influenced his perspective on the topic he an Barry discuss in the midrash they call “Teach It To.” Mason Clover and Will Spires complete this show with musical offerings from their hearts of worship.