Wow - Our Clients have been showing us How excited they are that our Body Guard and Lemon Aid Soap are Back in Stock
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Wow - Our Clients have been showing us How excited they are that our Body Guard and Lemon Aid Soap are Back in Stock
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EISEGESIS: the interpretation of a text (as of the Bible) by reading into it one's own ideas, according to Merriam-Webster. When reading John 19:30 and reading "It is finished" to mean "The Law is finished" or "The sacrificial system is finished", that is doing eisegesis. There is nothing in the text, before or after, that shows Yeshua/Jesus referring to the Law or the sacrifices.
Some Bibles, like my KJV, will put Hebrews 10:1-14 as a reference to this verse. Which is interesting, because just a few verses later in verse 28, the author says that anyone who sets aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on two or three witnesses. Who are those witnesses? According to Deuteronomy 30:19: Heaven and Earth. Both of those are still here and we also have another confirmation of this in Matthew 5:18 where Yeshua says nothing from the Law will pass away until Heaven and Earth do. We know from Revelation, that isn't until the end of the Millennial reign.
Let the text speak for itself.
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Good Morning!
Could I ask you guys to pray for one of my managers, Ray? He is only 17, and is having a lot of stress put on him. Just ask for peace to come over him, and that the Lord will give him resilience through his time working at Urban Air. He is a very hard worker, and I want him to know that his hard work does not go unnoticed. I appreciate his dedication to do the right thing, and work as hard as he can. Thank you guys!
Live at 10 AM Eastern Standard time, A virtuous Woman Deserves a Righteous Man Part 5. Listen where you get your favorite podcasts, use the player on our homepage or here With a free account you can join the chat or leave a message, please consider liking and sharing these podcasts.