Well, here we are. It has been 3 years and 3 months, almost to the day, since starting the Straight + Narrow and we are now 500 comics in. I've said it before, and I will most likely say it again: I didn't start out doing these thinking this was something I would keep doing. I have created a few other comics through the years, but the most any of those ever got was around 5 strips.
This is a reimagining of the 1st comic that started all of this. I was driving down the road and I wanted to explain why I walk with God the way I do. Why it is so much different than what I grew up doing. Why, for all those that knew me before, now see a change in me. If I was to create this today, which here I have, this is what it would be. I didn't plan it this way, but I like that for this re-imagination, I have already established the mainstream idea of Jesus, who I affectionately call "Mullet Jesus", as a character in the series different from the Biblical Jesus, or Yeshua as I have often labeled him in the comics. To show the contrast between how many of us have been taught about Him versus how the Bible speaks of Him.
If you would like the verses behind this, or want to see how my work has changed over these few years, check out the first comic. I have a ton of verses listed there for you to read and test.
Thank you to everyone that follows me, shares these comics, gives your feedback, gives me ideas, or supports me in all these ways and others. If the Father wills, this will to continue to 500 more and beyond. Thank you again and may YHWH bless you and keep you.
#bible #biblestudy #webcomic #cartoon #christian #church #messianic #hebrewroots #wwjd
There is a disturbing absence of men in some worship communities. Far too many men have been trained to believe they are too busy for worship or Bible study. They think that if they work harder to provide an easier life for their family, they are fulfilling their obligation. Deuteronomy teaches us a different lesson. “Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and walk along the road. Talk about them when you lie down and when you get up.” Deut. 6; 7 (ICB)